To the Victor...

You can tell when the other guy likes you because when he tackles you, instead of letting everyone else who’s gonna pile on top (in order to make sure you’re down) crush the breath out of you, -- if he likes ya, he’ll use his knees, arms & back to form an arch directing a lot of the crush-force into the ground around you (seeing he’s directly on top).  The more he likes ya, the more he’ll divert the effect of a hard tackle.  Now, if you’re a bloke into other guys, you’ll take note of this & get his jersey number as he gets off ya.  Still amazes me how many g0ys never figure this out till it won’t do em a lick of good.


My name’s Bryan; -- I grew up an Aussie & have been livin here in the states for a few years now.   I thought I was a rare breed until I ran across some young stud on a dating BBS who described himself as a “g0y”.  I went about attempting to help him correct his typographical error when he corrected my perceptual error.  What are you when you're too straight for the gay circles, but you are into guys, – but not into arse fucking?  Up until meeting my first “g0y”, I just thought I must be doing a poor job of letting me personal tastes get in the way of being a “good queer”.   Funny thing is, everyone assumed I’m straight – still do & it doesn’t bother me.  The best g0ys always seem so straight you assume they sweat testosterone with their sex appeal mixed into it.  Of course, I knew this instinctively long before I knew what the differences between “gay” & “g0y” were.  The best part of know’n the difference – is being able to classify men is that I can weed out the arse-fuck-clique really fast, & hook up with a bloke I can have as a good friend no matter where the sex might go.  Don’t get me wrong … I’m not look’n for any one-nyters, which is why I stick to g0ys.  (However, when you haven’t liberated your nutt in a week or so, it’s a good feeling to hook up with a handsome fella who you can cum your soul through your dick with, -- knowing the guy is gonna respect ya the next day & probably ask ya to help him gut a deer or something.)  Simply making friends with none of the head games of “who belongs to who” that insecure pansies play. 

What I’m look’n for is what I think most are: A soulmate.  Doesn’t mean I can’t make some good friends in the meanwhile; -- & most would agree that slow rubb’n on a bloke till he gasps/groans & shoots man-sauce all over his tum is probably a pretty friendly way to say “G’day”!


But, getting back to my opening paragraph:  I was always the aggressive type, - wrestling & roughing with my neighbor friends back home in Queensland (no puns please, I’ve heard them all).  I was always tough for my age, & I did a lot of arboreal type labor in the off season to earn money starting when I was 10.  By the time I was 14, I had 3 other guys ‘working w. me’ during the off-season & what I earned kept me in every toy you can imagine including an ATV, dirt bike & all the video games.  I also was able to afford martial arts lessons and those helped change everything. 


You see, there were a couple of guys older than me that really began to give me a hard time when they got their growth spurt.  Like a couple of dumb blokes, they threw their size around never thinking that someone might catch up & hold the grudge long enough to make payback a real bitch.  This was the case with Danny (he was the first but not the last).  Danny was a drop dead handsome steed (black hair, blue eyes & 70 kg of lean-muscle) who had a bullies’ attitude, & a big mouth that he often threw into gear before engaging his brain.  One day down at the local swimming hole (a large hollowed out area where the slow moving river went around a bend & had scooped out the fill – leaving only coarse gravel), Danny who was there with a couple of friends – both smaller than me, decided that he’d make some unkindly remarks about my sis.  After his 3rd remark implying that my sis was consort to the town drunk, I slipped under the water; & before he knew what was happening, I had him under & in tow toward the deep like any good croc would do.  I was about 2 inches taller than Danny-boy, which means that I could stand in the deepest part of the swimming hole with my nose out of the water, & Danny could not – especially with me on top of him.  This became evident to Danny when I stood up to breathe while holding him under with his neck under my left arm & my right hand pulling his trunks down past his knees & twisting them - holding his legs together.  With Danny thrashing (mostly underwater & invisible to anyone casually watching), I announced that I needed to speak with Danny privately & since it was getting toward dark – that everyone should leave… or it would be them whom I spoke with next.  It took about 5 seconds for everyone to realize that I wasn’t playing & that Danny was in deep <pun>.  One final hesitation from the group & I said “He’s not breathing until you’re gone”.  The exodus was fast – the silence punctuated by subdued comments like “holy shit!”.    As it was, I waited until struggling went from controlled, to frenzied (adrenalized), & then to where I could feel his abdomen heave as he choked on the water.  Then I pulled him topside facing away from me where he coughed out a mouthful of water & then vomited hard, - followed by choking coughs & gasps.   Playing the ultimate mind game, I asked him, “Are we gonna be friends, or am I gonna finish where I left off?”.  Dan didn’t answer, but looked around & realized that it was just him and the guy who was holding his head above water.  Using the last of his strength, Dan thrashed away from my grip & began to swim toward the river bank.  However, I lunged & got his left foot & as he fought to get away, I pulled him back - & under the water where I wrapped my arms around his upper body pinning his, -- & using my legs to dampen his kicking struggles. After 15 seconds or so, Dan's body suddenly went limp & a large burst of air bubbles broke the surface.  I quickly pulled him up - his head above the water; -- & I loosened the bear-hug grip I had put on him.  Dan coughed & vomited more water out, & took a deep breath followed by exhausted short ones. With his blood & intramuscular oxygen levels exhausted, the water had literally baptized the fight out of him.  Of course, at the time, all I knew is that he was so tired he had the muscle tone of a rag doll w. a pretty pallid complexion.. [In retrospect, it probably was not wise to have taken this action (Even though I had aced CPR class  -- the one required to graduate middle school).  If Danny had not been in as good shape as he was, he may actually have drowned.]  “Because”, I continued to bluff in my most serious voice, “if you’re bent on being my enemy, - I’ll do you right here to make a reputation for myself; -- & then play dumb when you turn up missing.”. 

Now I don’t know how I knew it was a tear that hit my arm … maybe the temperature of it?  Anyhow, Danny was shaking & I could see from behind him that the little muscles up by his temples and down by his jaw were flexing hard.  I gently turned him around so that he was facing me where I could see all the meanness had drained out of his expression & left fear-filled eyes.  The guy had the face of an angel when he wasn’t being a devil.  “Friends?” I quietly spoke - more as an order than a question.  Danny simply nodded in the affirmative trying to hold back sobbing.  I let a warm smile move to my eyes and as I pulled Dan in close with a firm, reassuring hug that wrapped around him – holding his head above water while his exhausted feet hovered over the streambed.  He rested his head on my left shoulder facing my neck and let his sobs creep out.  To this day, I don’t know what emotions they were made of.  I suspect that there’s part of the human psyche that wants to be conquered by someone who genuinely cares: The tyrant of undisciplined self - overthrown by a benevolent King?  I don’t know for sure.  What I do know is that standing there in the water, - the enemy I would have suffered had I done nothing, - slowly embraced his conqueror with a gentleness I don’t think he’d ever shared with another bloke. 

I was quite physically mature for my age & that fact, coupled with the fact I had in my clutches the youngest & most cocky guy on the football team - bare-arsed, - & with his arms wrapped back around me & head resting on my shoulder; … -- Well, if you’re a guy who has a thing for other guys; … this is the kind of setting that separates the men into G0YS Dan & I gently hugged for a while & my static embrace gradually became a gentle massage as I moved my hands over his back, neck & muscular arse.  Hormones can play mind games with you – twist your perceptions.  When Dan finally said “I’m naked”, - the heat of my feelings blinded me to what he probably meant, “naked is unusual”.  Instead I heard the little voice in my mind add, “And since he is naked, you should be too.”  Wasting no time, I slid my trunks down with my free hand & stepped out of them being careful not to pull Dan under the water as I pulled them off & tossed them to the shore.  “There.  We’re even!” I grinned; -  pulling Dan closer.   As I moved my hand down his back pulling his groin closer to mine I could see some apprehension in his face.  When his erection finally met mine, I knew why.  I locked my gaze into his questioning expression & told him, “To the victors, go the spoils, FRIEND; -- & I think I’m about to spoil us both really baaad”.  So, forehead to forehead, staring into each other’s face (me standing, - & him suspended a dm or so off the river bottom w. my supporting hug) – like a slow-dance without music, we watched dusk dissolve into a sky full of stars.  Somewhere off to the the east was a distant storm that would occasionally send a flicker of white light our way. The nighttime creatures were beginning to softly sing their mating songs, & the cooling air made the water feel all that much warmer.  Less than 3 meters away was a sandy shallow on the inside elbow of the river bend where the slow water deposited the sand it picked up just a little ways upstream.  Still embracing Dan, I slowly took a few steps toward the shallow.  When we were close enough to the shore, my directing-glace toward it was all the lead Dan needed to relax into the grade horizontally with his head & shoulders just barely out of the water on the beach-edge while his lower body below his pecs continued below the surface at a shallow incline, - with me resting on top of him, facing him.  There was no thrusting, bucking or the like; -- just gentle cuddling, hugging & each of us being totally turned on by the naked, vulnerable condition of the other.  Occasionally, Danny’s rod would give a good hard throb that would simultaneously cause his eyes to close & facial muscles to tighten some.  As this began to happen more often with my own edging him on, I knew it wouldn’t be long until we seeded the water with our mutually-mixing man-spawn. Locking my eyes with his, I hugged him a little firmer and I slowly slid my manhood along his, - sending waves of pleasure through him that caused his whole body to gently shudder & Dan's lower lip to quiver. Dan was now occasionally letting out little whimpers as gentle tremors in his prostate reinforced his excitement.   I commented: “Best friends as two blokes can be, yeah?”.  Dan gasped some as my amorous penis reversed course over his.  His hug got tighter & he wrapped his legs around the back of mine as he whispered back a shaky, “Hell yeah…”.  The sexual tension was over it's peak.  Danny’s arse tightened under my hand & his back arched as his legs straightened some pulling our groins together even firmer; -- And I could feel his toes (as they grazed my ankles) instinctively search for a surface to grasp to help thrust from . Those little muscles all over his face pulled his expression into the most handsome square-jawed look of intenseness I’d ever seen – complete with a teardrop at the outside corner of each tightly closed eye.  One of Danny’s hands went to the back of my neck while the other found the small of my back & pulled my crotch in harder against his.  The water between our cocks was really warm; & the temperature differences were causing little currents of warm & cool water to flow in & out of our interlocked pelvis’s -- making this experience all the more intense.  Danny’s whole musculature hardened & then spasmed along the arch of his back as his cock launched it’s first volley of man-seed.  His deep inhaling gasp was followed with a commentary on the experience . Over the next 10 seconds or so (as I used my hungry erection to milk Dan's orgasm) -- his cock frantically shot off volly after volly of Dan seed), Dan simply sobbed out in frantic whispers: “It feels so good!  It feels so fuck’n gooood mate!”.  The sight  of my “new best bud” going out of his mind in an orgasm & the feel of warmth between us increasing as his nutt heated the water; -- pushed me instantly over the edge into mine.  I didn’t realize the sensation would be stronger with such a long time passing between getting hard & finally shooting, - but it was extremely intense -- probably so on account of the intensity of Danny's nutt (Which, because of the fact my love missle was snuggled up beside his with our frenulums locked together, I got to feel every back-stiffening wave of his orgasm - as the short space between each volly drew the milt from his prostate making his urethra bulge & his back arch; -- as moments later those powerful muscles at the base of his balls would give a hard squeeze sending a quick wave along the length of his shaft & out.  The feeling of 4 or 5 of Dan's cock volleys {Pause, harden, groan, shoot; Relax, stiffen, fill, volley; Pause, gasp, harden, splooge; Whimper, pause, inflate, harden, shoot [each less than a second per cycle]), were so erotic that he was soon feeling mine; -- & the sensations of my penile-peristalses made his nutt cum all the harder.)  It’s a few precious moments of you getting to intensely enjoy the reactions of another bloke - intensely enjoying your intense enjoyment of him!  That’s intimacy!   I’m sure we would have made quite a mess too if we hadn’t been in moving water.  The combination of age, aggression & animal attraction between each of us really prolonged the mutual orgasm to well over a minute as all the little after-shocks would cause the feeling of one bloke's rod as it shot off a reflexive volly, -- to cause to other bloke's to do the same.  That kind of soul-baring naked, intimacy will bond a couple of blokes like nothing else I know of.    After taking a few minutes to bask in the event & experience the occasional fading cock throbs, I smiled at Dan & said: “So, we're friends….It’s official”.  For the first time since we had been together, Dan gave a big confident grin as he wrapped his arms & legs back around me & gave me a vein-popping hug complete with a kiss.  Gradually coming to our senses & getting up, - we rinsed off in the deeper water & then went ashore. I put my trunks back on, and let Dan borrow my towel to use as a waist wrap.  We agreed to keep what happened between us just between us, - because we just 'knew' that nobody on the planet would understand it!  A handshake, a smile & a few gropes & hugs later; -- We went our separate ways back home.

It sure blew the minds of a lot of people to see us hanging out together later that week; -- & the changes that single friendship brought would ultimately touch many of our lives in ways I can't begin to count. 

Anyhow, that’s how I dealt with one of the 2 of my major adolescent adversaries!  How I dealt with the 2nd is another story for another time.  

Some of you may be asking what any of this has to do with the subject I started with: football. 

Good question.  Now that I had Danny as my “#1 Bloke”, - do you think you can figure out how I made the Varsity team at barely 15 years old?


- Love Bryan