"Love is patient,
love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it
keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but
rejoices with the truth. Love never fails."
- Ist
Corinthians 13, Bible
the bread, see the wine
See the graft into the vine
This is what is to be
It always made sense to me
Send us a shot of love
(Across the mountains to the sea)
From the poles of north and south
(Wherever we may be)
Send us a shot of love
(Across the mountains to the sea)
From the poles of north and south
(Wherever we may be)
Sometimes my cup is empty
My wish that it stay full
'Cause I am always thirsty
I can't get enough of you
Send us a shot of love
(Across the mountains to the sea)
From the poles of north and south
(Wherever we may be)
Send us a shot of love
(Across the mountains to the sea)
From the poles of north and south
(Wherever we may be)
There is nowhere else to go
(There is nothing else to do)
There is nowhere else to turn
(The first and last is you)
Here I am
Here I am oh
Oh I hear the music
Oh I need a brand new song
'Cause my hearing is so weak, you see
Help me and sing along, ooh
Send us a shot of love
(Across the mountains to the sea)
From the poles of north and south
(Wherever we may be)
Send us a shot of love
(Across the mountains to the sea)
From the poles of north and south
(Wherever we may be)
Send us a shot of love
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah |
Friends with "Benefits"?
Honestly, that sounds almost like a
sleazy term in this day & age. But I think that's more of a function of how it's often applied
in common speech -rather than what it means among men who are genuinely
friends. You see, it's often applied to mixed gender couples who have a
sexual component, to what is otherwise a casual relationship. I won't go
into the long drawn out philosophical discussions as to whether men & women
who are sexual w. each other - can actually BE "Friends". I tend to
think that those situations tend to outgrow mere friendship too quickly -
often, for at least one of the members & then the imbalance seeks to bring the
other up to the next level. And I can't express how serious the situation
instantly becomes the moment a pregnancy occurs. I am staunchly
pro-life and because the entire g0ys movement came into existence from my
pen, - I will not compromise on what is a self evident, immovable moral
truth. Human life begins at the beginning. "Pro-choice" people value
personal convenience over the right to even question IF another person
exists. G0YS have no place among us for sociopaths...
And, with those permutations
out of the way; -What about men who discover that their love for a buddy
goes beyond Philadelphia & into Eros? In other words, when friendship
between men takes on an aesthetic appreciation of the male physique & causes
sexual reflex - what then? This happenstance is tremendously common.
Most guys are selectively ambisexual.
What is news to most men is how common this occurrence is (+63% of the male
population). The "gay male community" wants to debase this reflex by putting
it in high-heels & injecting it with estrogen. Well, to hell with that! G0YS
are grounded in the reality of what things are:
We're men who love
masculinity & have no desire to debase it! Love happens. And when it happens
to you - you want answers. Glad you're here!
So, let me help you with the
one component that Buds w. bens is most in need of: Mutual interest. In
other words: It takes (2) to tango. If you want your buddy to notice you
then you need to work on your physique. Supplements, gym, workouts & time.
Men, generally recognize & deeply appreciate strong masculine cues. This is
why bodybuilding mags have lots of pictures. Men generally like the
aesthetics of sexy men. The attraction is different than the
attraction generated by sexy women. But it can be a strong force of
attraction. Once you start working out - men will comment, "Hey, you been
working out?". Strong, masculine cues are attractive to most men.
Compare that approach with the gay-male community that is preoccupied with
"drag". Their attempt is to confuse the mind-brain system of another
man & get into bed based on projecting false female cues & affectations.
This is why gay men disrespectfully refer to other men as "bitch", "queen",
etc. It's a bunch of social losers trying to "get a real man" by pretending
to be a women. Those interactions are built on gigantic lies; -Never on
equal footing & they tend to end harshly when somebody with functional
testicles gets sober. The entire GLITQETC
thin'gus is seriously fucked up from the get-go. NOT G0Y!
Simply read our mail!
been my experience that lots of guys become sexually active at 12-14 years of
age. And it usually starts with an intense friendship with another guy. And it's
generally NEVER "AnalSex". There are
exceptions and this usually involves toxic exposure to
"gay porn". However, for the vast majority of men - the 1st time they ever
empty their nuts - it's balls to balls with another guy. Thanks to the g0ys
movement, men now have a +3000-year historical context for this and it's a
totally normal "guy thing"; - Not a "gay thing" requiring some bizarre
set of gender-bending rituals! In other words: Sploog'n with a
buddy does NOT mean you need to embrace genderfuck, ass-sex, nor friendships
with men who want to emulate their creepy aunts. And it
fuck'n matters! As one guy said: "I'm only into guys. However, I have NEVER
been with a guy who self-identified as 'gay'. Guys who identified as 'gay'
always seems to be insecure in their identity as men. That's damn UNattractive.
The guys I bedded were always friends - masculine guys I really loved & admired.
It was never cheap, nor casual, nor sleazy, nor planned as mere a 1-nite-stand. Yeah, it took time to
break down inhibitions - but it was always worth it.
And it was always ultra discreet: 'Hey Bro ... feel like hanging out this weekend?', sorta thing. Nobody stopped being "a guy"!
There were no attempts to emulate the androgynous affectations of some multi-letter mind-job "minority". 'Plans to hang out', was
code speech for a weekend of fun w. lots of slow, gentle, touching, cuddling &
respectful M2M climaxing without anyone ever being b!tched! Once a buddy knows
that he's gonna get off with you without risking his masculine reputation - the anticipation of the event shifts his nuts
into overdrive & max's out his semen production until the 'event'. And that's freak'n hott! And
up until about 8-centuries ago - completely "normal"!