Who says the
"AssFuck Act" uniquely identifies the
"gay camp"?
... Almost Everyone
One of the biggest global customized item printers!

Twice - over a 3 year
period, the image above was submitted to the same gigantic printer for
production on custom clothing.
The submission was
denied by the printer - on the grounds that it was "DISCRIMINATORY".
Not "obscene".
Not "adult".
Not "tasteless".
It is a design that
clearly is against the act of
(as you can see); --Yet is was deemed "discriminatory"
by the printer!
Well ... "WHO" was it
allegedly "DISCRIMINATING" against?
I think it's obvious
who the "WHO"
is - that the printer said the design was being "discriminatory"
And we found that
decision ASStonishing! Because, it reinforces what G0YS have been
saying for decades: "The term 'GAY' has come to be
synonymous with 'AnalSex". And in a bizarre coincidence - one of the
largest mass-customization companies on the planet happens to agree with
0ur ASSessment of the
"GAY" = " "
One of the
biggest commercial custom-printers says so!
THAT is the STIGMA that the GAY COMMUNITY has been willingly ASSociated
that STIGMA is the very ASSociation that g0ys was formed to distance
ourselves from!
G0YS have
essentially rejected the "A" in gAy. From observation & personal
experience, there are far more men who are g0ys, than are gAys (read that statement a few
times) -- and many men who once thought of themselves as 'gAy'
or 'BI' are
discovering the 'g0y' movement & adopting the term in record
numbers...because it's
what they've been all along.
Read the e-mail we get here & you'll see this is
without debate. The fact that many guys have their first sexual
experience with another guy (almost always FROT;
--very rarely ever anal,) is evidence to the fact that
g0ys are all around us our entire lives (Because if Jonny cuddled you
till you came in junior-high, -- he's still able to experience those same
feelings today [pay no attention to the camouflage ... eh, - the female,
with him now]). It's just that social stigmas against 'gAys' by
coincidence, oppress 'g0ys' via those who may not yet be aware of the
distinction between men who are tender on men, vs. men who arse-fuck men.
Obtuse minds cannot see the distinction, but to those whom it applies, it's
as clear as empty space. If disease statistics are used as a measure
of morality, - then g0ys are among the most moral segment of the population,
while 'gAys' constitute the opposite. Therefore, the "A" in 'gAy'
also may mean: "Antagonistic" to life. For those offended by
this analysis, I suggest that you consult the CDC-table (right) & argue with
(Perhaps the figures will
change for your triggered whims ;-)
For an excellent essay on:
What sex is:
HIV "Homofascism"
Butt fuck Tyranny
"At least one American
gay publication, Magnus
of San Francisco, has recognized fascist tendencies within
contemporary gay activism. Writing in the April 2000 issue, AIDS
dissident Alex Russell sees similarities between the bonding
processes among HIV positive gay males and German Freikorps members:
Many attributes of the HIV Homofascist Movement (or HIVism) resemble
those of Fascism and the psychology of the Freikorpsmen: an
authoritarian personality; extreme emphasis on the masculine
principal, male dominance and blood brotherhood bonding; exclusive
membership of an elite in-group; and the fetishization and
aestheticization of suffering, self-sacrifice and death.
Freikorpsmen made war a way of life where desiring production
becomes death production. Many HIV Blood Brothers see the war on
AIDS as a way of death where the Freudian pleasure principle and the
death drive become indistinguishable. The Swastika armband has
now been replaced by the HIV positive tattoo and the red ribbon.
There is no loyalty without hatred: passionate membership to the HIV
Homofascist in-group can fuel hatred for the out-group (the
HIV-negative outsider or HIV non-existentialists) -- seeing AIDS
dissidents as a threat and obstacle to their blind HIV Belief."
- Michael Phillip Wright
For years,
discussions of
"homosexuality among animals" has been used by researchers to point
out that it is a natural phenomena in nature. It is indeed well
documented that many species have members that pair-bond with the same
sex. However, something else has also been recognized:
Indeed, some researchers, notably Tim Clutton-Brock of the
University of Cambridge, would say that "true"
homosexuality -- if strictly defined as male
by males who show no interest in females
-- is virtually unknown among
wild mammals. |
And here is
the dirty little secret that the Ass-Clown Crowd would like to suppress.
Just as the religious right is proven to be composed of liars when they
argue that "homosexuality is contrary to nature" - in light of well
researched documentaries clearly showing otherwise; -- So are the
"anything goes"
groups shown to be omitting keys facts when they try to justify
by appealing to animal models! Lying voices on both sides?
It's what g0ys have been pointing out! The truth is indeed a
narrow path!
Kills. Nature Knows.
Homophobia & Natural Selection:
something to consider: Homophobia is not as much a fear/hatred of men who
love men, - but is a result of natural selection wiring the brains of
surviving offspring against behavior that puts populations in peril --
such as anal-based promiscuity, & female promiscuousness. This
explains why male virility is generally, - socially bolstered, butt loose
women & passive/anal men are loathed as 'sluts'. It's a double
standard that is the result of many generations of natural selection.
As covered above, a society that engages in widespread behavior that affects
reproduction adversely (& mortality rates affecting reproduction),
will be devastated by such behavior. Individuals in those
populations who abstain from those behaviors (& those that are so
influenced to abstain) survive to genetically pass their instinctive
mental predispositions to their offspring. Over several generations, these
polarizations will influence society. I.E: Many people dislike or don't
care for lima beans. Seems an oddity, yes? Since taste is
subjective, why is it that lima beans seem to be disliked on a much wider
scale than say, corn? It turns out that lima beans (especially white
lima varieties) contain a substance that inhibits the enzyme, amylase.
Amylase is the enzyme used to digest carbohydrates. In a society
challenged by famine, interfering with digesting carbs could literally mean
the difference between life & death. Who would tend to live?
People who disliked foods that blocked digestion -- disliked foods that
inhibit amylase, -- would survive to have offspring more often than those
eating foods that inhibited digestion. Hence, over time, societies who
have histories of famine would tend to genetics that wired them to dislike
amylase inhibiting foods -- such as lima beans.
Likewise, people in general consider anal sex to be perverse, but religious
moirés do not account for this widespread perception (Religions tend to
distort the truth of such matters, being built on the primitive mind & using
myth to explain things. A genuine faith would be founded on the likes of
truth, understanding, & law ... but I digress.). Like a
genetically directed dislike of lima beans affecting large sections of
society, a general distaste for behaviors that tend to kill people &
eliminate children would
naturally (used in the literal sense of the word) become integrated into
populations. Because natural selection is such a blunt tool,
populations tend not to understand the reasons 'why' they have certain
cultural beliefs. It's just a feeling prevalent in the society. The
"A" in 'gAy' may as well stand for "Anal" -- as society as a whole believes
that & knows by instinct that "Anal" sexual practices are invitations to
cultural disaster (natural selection itself has made the observation).
It is this precise mechanism that makes a new distinguishing alternative to
"gAy" society - a necessary one:
Harsh &/ Homophobic?

Some (very few) have
suggested that this website is too "hard" on 'gAy' men or
perhaps even homophobic. Being authored by mere men, it is
likely that there may be some imperfections of tone, -- & where
it fails to console the wounded, --we apologize without
Yet I have to wonder how much of that alleged "hard-tone", is
the conscience of the critic echoing a subliminal "amen!"...
Being men who appreciate & even love other men, the accusation
of 'homophobic' is demonstratively without merit. And, - a
charge of being "homo[phobic/hating]" makes our point for us
about our critics' bias. See - we shun
& acts that effeminize men. Anyone who claims we're
"homo[negative]" because of our posturing, - is admitting that
consider male to male intimacy to include
& effeminacy. And because our posturing indicts them -
they accuse
us of being 'homo[negative]'. So, our critics do the
best job of proving our point when they accuse us like
that; - & clue in anyone who is discerning - of that fact.
But what about being "too hard on gAy men"? Many men who
are 'g0y' - may have previously identified themselves as
(or "bi") -- for lack of more appropriate terminology, -up
until reading the content here. If you
read our mail, you will see that this is the case more often
than not. These g0ys always indicate that "this" is how
they "are" and always have been. They often feel like they
were alone in their sexuality and did not fit into the 'gAy'
culture. Now they have discovered 'g0y', -- a better term
to use. Once they thought they were "gAy", (or 'bi')
but now they realize that they were 'g0y' all
along! So then, the "A" in 'gAy' -- as g0ys see it, --
never actually applied to them ('gAys' who were 'g0ys' all
along). You see, if "gAy" ONLY meant being a guy who is
into other guys, it would be different. However, there are
too many negative stigmas attached to the term. How many people
do you think would "straight" identify if the media supported
the notion that most 'straight' people were into
with multiple partners
ALL the time? How many people would wear a "straight"
label if the word was generally associated with filth, feces,
fetishes & disease -- as a rule of thumb? G0Y men
find the basic social-psyche surrounding the term 'gAy' to be
similarly distressing. I.E: Most emotionally healthy
adults love children & want to see them grow up happy, safe &
protected. However, despite the fact they LOVE CHILDREN,
few would choose the term "PEDOPHILE" to describe themselves, --
despite the fact that the term is technically accurate.
That term has likewise been destroyed by it's association with
child-molesters. After all, how many people who love music
& describe themselves as "AUDIO-PHILES" are accused of wanting
to "molest" home entertainment systems? The social use of
a word often produces a spectre in the mind's eye that has
little relationship to the actual, original meaning of the word.
So, are "we" too harsh on 'gAy'? One only need look at the
statistics here to see the obvious answer. The cultural
differences between "gAy' & 'g0y' are the differences between
life and death, - but this is no secret as the 'gay' community
itself provides some of it's own harshest
criticism: Condemned by its own writings! A archived article
in XY was written by a young guy observing the ambiguously-gay
world around him. I read it & realized that g0ys abound;
& what this young man was feeling was the shallow-pettiness of
the 'gay' lie that stinks like rotten arse. If we g0ys
don't act, then the only thing these awesome younger dudes are
gonna find are the disease ridden lies of a culture all diseased
except for a few statistical long-shots, & preprogrammed media
mouth-pieces who can do nothing but chant the mantra of a failed
social experiment into shallow thoughtless immorality done under
the guise of 'liberation'
(perhaps like the Nazi's "liberated" Europe).
I for one love these younger dudes, - & many g0ys themselves
have kids whom they want to be comfortable to live a life more
open & honest, -- & without the stigmas associated with being a
If you could read some of the private feedback to this site!
There are lots of younger dudes in serious pain -- not because
they are hott for other guys ... but because they HATE (I MEAN
HATE PASSIONATELY) what mainstream "gAy" media portrays
men who love men as being all about. I get e-mail saying
things like: "Holy fuck! I'm so relieved that I'm not a
Been thinking about ways to end my life because I didn't know
how to deal with these feelings for my bro's without seem'n a
Not any more - thanx!".
G0YS have some
suggestions! And
"coming out" does not need to be one of them (Especially if
you're dependant on someone else - like parents)! Why?
Because people who 'come out' discover they're among ' '.
you're "outed", make sure you come out fighting as a
g0y ... not an
That'll shut the pie-holes of the know-it-alls (& probably get
you some major support from all kinds of people -- some of
whom are bound to be g0y)!
Homophobic? Nah ... we're men who luv men, head2toe.
Anti-gay? As 'gAy' culture is perceived to be:
Petty, Shallow, Selfish & GenderFuck'd: G0YS ABSOLUTELY
detest it! Butt, at the pinnacle of this open detest is
the practice of " ";
-- And whether done by M/M or M/F couples -- g0ys abhor it.
The good news is that it's so easy to stop that particular
practice! Ignorance does form a foundation for excuse -- at
least as far as the matter of "intent" is concerned.
However, once enlightened, the moral shape of the person becomes
self-evident. So, do g0ys have friends who are 'gAy'?
Sometimes... And we wish with all our fiber that they'd
get the "A" out of their thoughts for g00d...
Some "GAY"
men have asserted that g0ys need to stop being critical
of the perils in the GAY community in order to foster
"solidarity". Really? Ignore deadly & disease-spreading
behaviors in the name of "PRIDE"? According to the
DSM, people who claim to be immune from fault for
ego's sake are called NARCISSISTS! And based on the
clear historical evidence: SOCIOPATHS, IGNORAMUSES &
NARCISSISTS constitute a very large swatch of the GAY
community! fucktards! |
G0YS.ORG is a
site devoted to men who love men, but who want nothing to do with
or the filthy (sh!t-stained), effeminizing
associated with it.
Many men who, for the lack of a better
term, once described themselves as "gAy", are now adopting the term "G0Y"
(spelled with a ZER0) as a better description of who they are & how they
choose to love other guys. Many guys who started into the gAy
movement & were "recruited" by the BPT ("Arse-Clowns") find our site to be a
call back to their original erotic center. Please do return!
Above all: Please
spread the word that a new movement
(one that is ironically, very old) is taking place in male/male
relationships. 'G0YS'
- We took the "A"
out of "gAy"
- denouncing the likes of:
Anal, AIDS,
& Apathy
- just to name a few!
We are the
G0YS! Join us!


When the term "GAY" was coined, --it originally
meant "Same Gender Attracted". G0YS have no problem with THAT
simple definition. However, -as time passed, the term "GAY" became
connected with cross-gender behaviors (which is why "intersexed" &
"transgender" ride in the gay-pride passenger seats) & perilous acts
such as
In many places, the term "GAY-SEX" has come to equate " ".
G0YS completely reject that notion and find the ASSociation repugnant to
our innate morals. Please keep those distinctions in mind whenever
you read a G0Y commentary critical of "The GAYS". It is not
the original use of the term, --but what it has morphed into, -that g0ys
find reprehensible (& "reprehensible" is perhaps, -too soft of a
Hate truth?
"Here's a thought: if LITERALLY and ACCURATELY describing what you
advocate & condone sounds like an INSULT, -maybe it's because you're
advocating and condoning irrational, immoral crap. The proper
solution is not to bitch at the people pointing that out. The proper
solution is to STOP advocating and condoning irrational, immoral
crap." - Larken Rose
Judaism Speaks:
I have also made the
observation that on the list of prohibited dietary animals
associated with the Law of Moses, -a substantial percentage consist of
animals that are coprophagous (in common terms, sh!t-eaters).
Under Hebrew law, contact with feces was 'tow-e'bah' (usually translated
as "unclean" or "abomination"). The same prohibition is true
regarding carrion (dead things). From observation, it seems more than
mere coincidence to me that Moses' Law forbade eating, (& often mere
contact) - with those things, -& creatures that had contact with those
very things. Among such were:
I find it amazing that an
ancient people (Jews) who knew next to nothing about microbiology would
have a law (Torah) that seemed to recognize the natural order of things
& by doing so - provided protection by prohibiting activity that would
bring them into peril from dangerous things that they had no knowledge
of the workings! Even from a symbolic perspective, the curse laid
on the Devil in Genesis relegated him & his "off-spring" to the
existence of being a death (by-product)-eater. "And Jehovah God said to
the serpent, Because you have done this, you -cursed above all beasts,
and above every animal of the field. You shall go on your belly, and you
shall eat dust all the days of your life." If you consider
the general description of the "curse", it covers a lot of "things"
other than the common symbology of a "snake". Virtually all of
"biology's bottom-feeders" come to mind - from
germs to worms while almost always directly or indirectly causative
of the untold misery that plagues
the planet (from pestilences to parasitism). Coincidence? You say.
Fukk'n Told 'Em So!
Every so often - I hear from
someone who visited this website a while ago; -Scoffed at it,
and now has a very perilous medical condition (or 2+) they
received while engaging in
(the precise form of activity this site condemns loudly and
without apology). They return to apologize, -to tell us how
right g0ys are ... etc, etc, etc. They're usually shocked when I
tell them to fuck-off & waste no time becoming worm food.
Why do I seem to be such a dick to the dying? Because when you
dig deeper - they always have the same story:
They spread their condition to others while they ridiculed &
denounced the "g0ys" movement along their way. Now, the
reality of their folly has set in as the grim-reaper takes swats
at them, and they come back wanting "absolution" from us. N0!
Die quickly you murderous fucking pus-bag of plague! May your
life of working-ill and self-absorption be a warning to others!
G0YS told you so!
Good Riddance.

have been accused of "Bottom-Shaming". We find it offensive that
someone would suggest that g0ys shame bottoms more than tops! We
have gone to great lengths in our citations from the Centers for
Disease Control, World Health Organization & the American Red Cross
to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that
is by far (+95%) the primary global vector for sexually transmitted
diseases and that those who promote the act are morally reprehensible.
We have gone to great lengths to prove that both groups are equally
fucked-up between the ears (the types who would show toddlers how
to chew a laundry-detergent pod). So, If you have been under the
impression that g0ys have targeted "bottoms" for extra shaming, -please
accept our sincere word that we have done everything within our power to
showcase TOPS & BOTTOMS equally as the intellectually bankrupt, morally
soft & masculinity-hating types that they are. We hope this clears
up any misunderstanding. |
With such a flock
of dirty-birds intermingling so comfortably with the "gay-male
community"; --they ultimately are responsible for the repulsive
stigmas that became connected with the term. "Gay" has "been
disgraced" by its own lack of moral discernment (evidenced by an STI
rate +4300% higher than the general population - according to the
American Red Cross). And the gay-male community -which was
originally about M2M sensuality; -Has now been hijacked by chicks
with dicks, dudes in drag & Adam with an arse-fetish. Is this an
And what does the "GL!TQ-thingus" think of g0ys? The Bible nails
it: "In [connection with] all this, they are
resentful and surprised that you do not [think like them, value
their values and] run [hand in hand] with them into the same
excesses of debauchery & immoral license; -So they criticize,
abuse & ridicule you - mocking your values." - 1 Pet 4:4 |
G0YS warned about this:
"The CDC says that more than half of state and local STD
programs have seen budget cuts in years. “The money taken out of
budgets absolutely correlates with the increases in cases of
STDs that we’re seeing,” - CDC |
Don't Like What G0YS Say?
shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or
abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right
of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
1st Amendment Bill of Rights US Constitution
That's How Civilized Freedom Lovers Do! |
This web contains explicit images/language (in order to illustrate adult
subject matter)!
We apologize for the rat
in this image (The monkey suit was rented out). 
"The fool believes his
ways are acceptable, but a wise man listens to advice. Look carefully
then - how you live your life; -Not as unwise, but as wise"- Solomon
In addition to causing
incontinence (yup),
AnalSex is +5000% more perilous
at spreading STI's than even oral! These figures are derived from the
CDC, W.H.O. & American Red Cross!
A pile of corpses,
a hundred-million high, tells us all: The ass-fuck culture is
nothing but a lie.
According to Global, Multi-Organizational Medical Stats
(Extensively Detailed Below):
+98% of ALL STI's are spread via
AnalSex Vectors!
million+ people have become infected with HIV since the start of AIDS
the epidemic. Most of them have died from AIDS & other related illnesses since the
start of the AIDS epidemic!
Far more have acquired other STDs/STIs the same way!
There's no fool like an old fool, & if you want to follow in
the steps of a mob of dumb dead geezers who were so callous that they tore
their own asses out & killed themselves w. diseases in record numbers, -
then don't expect sane people to applaud your idiocy as you flock
onto the
fool float! Be sure to learn how to "vogue"
- while wearing adult diapers (as a memorial to
despite these deadly facts & the fact that AnalSex is the
#1 cause of anal-rectal injury -
the GAY-MALE community
will continue on their wisdomless course of self-destruction; -& attempt
to portray anyone who cites these well established facts as being
"homophobic" or some other mindless slur that only a
narcissistic community with its
intellectual & moral head up it's collective arse will assert.
Many people are followers.
Many people are devoid of the ability to think critically. And many
people - like lemmings - will
follow the "crowd" right over the edge of a cliff while boasting about
the very mindset that will kill them. Wisdom has been the spiritual
commodity that seems to be in perpetual short supply & this website is
not an attempt to force-feed it to fools.
Fools scoff at
wisdom. It's in their nature - hence the death toll cited above. So,
you're either among the few who have been diligently seeking "us" or
you're among the many fools who'll continue to play in sh!t & scoff
at our warnings about that.
This website is offered to edify the former & shame the latter.

Captain Ahab had to have his whale.
It only cost him his life & the lives of those around him. Likewise,
there are large numbers of so-called "men" who declare themselves "gay", who
- "have got to have their TAIL"; -- Butt
what they really are --are the enemies of what the word "gay"
originally meant:
gay Adj.
1: bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer; "a cheery hello"; "a gay sunny room";
"a sunny smile" [syn: cheery, sunny]
2: full of or showing high-spirited merriment; "when hearts were young and gay"; "a poet
could not but be gay, in such a jocund company"- Wordsworth; "the jolly crowd at the
reunion"; "jolly old Saint Nick"; "a jovial old gentleman"; "have a merry Christmas";
"peals of merry laughter"; "a mirthful laugh" [syn: jocund, jolly, jovial, merry,
3: given to social pleasures often including dissipation; "led a gay Bohemian life"; "a gay
old rogue with an eye for the ladies"
4: brightly colored and showy; "girls decked out in brave new dresses"; "brave banners
flying"; "`braw' is a Scottish word"; "a dress a bit too gay for her years"; "birds
with gay plumage" [syn: brave, braw]
5: offering fun and gaiety; "a gala ball after the inauguration"; "a festive (or festal)
occasion"; "gay and exciting night life"; "a merry evening" [syn: gala, festal,
festive, merry]
Many people do not even realize that the
original definition varies greatly from the modern use. Interestingly
enough, this also occurred with another term in Germany during the early half of
the 20th century. Let's take a look at another word whose image was
forever changed by those events:
Swastika Noun.
Swas"ti*ka\, Swastica \Swas"ti*ca\, n. [Also suastica, svastika, etc.] [Skr. svastika, fr. svasti walfare; su well + asti being.]
A symbol or ornament in the form of a Greek cross with the ends of the arms at right angles
all in the same direction, and each prolonged to the height of the parallel arm of the cross.
A great many modified forms exist, ogee and volute as well as rectilinear, while various
decorative designs, as Greek fret or meander, are derived from or closely associated with it.
The swastika is found in remains from the Bronze Age in various parts of Europe, esp. at
Hissarlik (Troy), and was in frequent use as late as the 10th century. It is found in ancient
Persia, in India, where both Jains and Buddhists used (or still use) it as religious symbol,
in China and Japan, and among Indian tribes of North, Central, and South America. It is
usually thought to be a charm, talisman, or religious token, esp. a sign of good luck or
benediction. Max Muller distinguished from the swastika, with arms prolonged to the right,
the suavastika, with arms prolonged to the left, but this distinction is not commonly
recognized. Other names for the swastika are fylfot and gammadion.
many people today think of "a charm, talisman, or religious token, esp. a
sign of good luck or benediction" - when they see a swastika?
Don't they usually think of images like the following, instead:
Now why do you suppose that would be?
didn't kill anyone? No. It took a little tyrant in Germany and a
whole lot of powerful, image-laden PR (that exploited the formerly benign
swastika, among other things) to get people in-masse' to commit acts like
those shown above. Ironically ... Hitler didn't commit the atrocities shown.
People, - who mindlessly followed Hitler while he spoke great
swelling words, - committed these acts. People who were
willing to be led by propaganda are guilty of the holocaust. And
the swastika? -- An unredeemable image, - forever soiled by association with
human avarice. So negative are the images now associated with the symbol
that anyone visiting this page -- simply seeing the symbol displayed, -- might
mistakenly assume that this site is some sort of pro-Nazi web!
Well, this page is not about the swastika,
but about what can happen to a symbol or term over time - given enough bad
press. This gets me back to the opening definition: The word, is "GAY"...
& like the swastika, -- "GAY" no longer means what it originally
did. As a matter of fact, -- many people have been so stigmatized by the
"fallout" of the modern meaning surrounding, -- at least part, --the word's
association, -- that they visualize the following images:
"GAY" has, in many social circles, been
made almost synonymous with "DISEASE". And don't be naive to think
GRID/AIDS has been conquered. There are parts of the world where it rages,
without the benefits of money to buy drugs & slow it to a lingering crawl.
When you consider the FACT that the American Red Cross says that men who
identify as "GAY" are a whopping +4300% more likely to be harboring a serious
sexually transmitted disease than the population at large! Sholly huck'n fit!
Besides the fact that almost every "gay" fund raiser is about fighting sexually
transmitted diseases; --Let's take a look at the CDC's figures on AIDS infection
(for an example) in the US for a clue (Last Updated 2016):
And remember, AIDS is merely (1) of a large number of sexually transmitted
diseases - many debilitating or deadly. However - the following makes our point
regarding them
ALL. Although media coverage of AIDS has diminished in G7 nations; -
As of 2022 - it was still the leading cause of death in some parts of the world!
AIDS is still as devastating as ever. The lack of media coverage gives the
impression that is no longer an issue - as over half a million people sadly
discover every year. Nearly as many children are orphaned as a direct result.
AIDS Cases by Exposure Category
- United States:

"There is no
amount of fact or truth that will sway the depraved mind. The
depraved mind revels in the excrement of lies." - D. Champion
collect HIV and AIDS data using common transmission categories:
[male-to-male sexual contact], [injection drug use], [male-to-male sexual
contact and injection drug use], [heterosexual contact], transmission, and
other (includes blood transfusions and unknown cause). The distribution of
the estimated number of AIDS diagnoses among adults and adolescents in the
United States, by transmission category, follows. A breakdown by sex is
provided where appropriate.
Notice that Female/Female (lesbianism)
doesn't even make the list! Apparently, it's fantastically SAFE to
be a lesbian! Why could this be? Could it be because Lesbians don't
have dicks, & don't
each other! Could be! (Interestingly enough: Did you know
that the TeNaK/Old Testament has no prohibition against women who
lay with women? Neither does the New Testament - although people who
can't read in context think that Romans 1 does. It doesn't)! There's
a reason for the omission!
This chart shows AIDS cases (full-blown HIV infection). It does
NOT show mere HIV infections that have not yet proceeded to full-blown
AIDS (far more prevalent). This charts shows United States only. World
wide (+3rd world) HIV stats are MUCH WORSE on average.
"Typhoid Mary" "HIV Larry"
All quite scary... |
About AIDS: Above male/male sexual contact: 605555 cases!
This number dwarfs ALL of the others! When you factor in IV drug use w. related
M2M sexual contact the figure rises another 90494 cases to 696049! As
of 2022, AIDS was still killing over a million people each year!
But, is the phrase "sexual
accurate? Not really. Why? Because there
is a form of sexual contact particularly good at spreading STIs.
Ironically, it's also a major vector for AIDS spread by male-->female
sexual contact. If you
want to spread diseases, & really let them explode into society in
epidemic proportions, - AnalSex
( )
is the fetish that spreads plagues [+5000% better than even, oralsex]!
gender (M>M / M>F) of participants is irrelevant. In the CDC chart
above: 91070 cases of AIDS were attributed to "HETEROsexual" contact.
What you were not told is the FORM
the "Heterosexual contact" took. People may assume, because of the label
"HETEROsexual", that it was penile/vaginal sexual contact.
This ASSumption is unlikely for (2) reasons. 1) More men are likely to use
a condom in penile/vaginal sex to prevent pregnancy; And, 2) contrary to
misconception <pun>, the vagina is fairly hostile to HIV taking hold, whereass
the anus will welcome it readily!
Most women infected by HIV became so by participating in
w. a man, or repeated unprotected vaginal sex with an infected man (who,
statistically, almost always contracted HIV via "gay"
or *IV drug use). The playground acronym for AIDS: "Anally Injected Death
Sentence" is ironically, accurate! AIDS is seldom spread in other ways!
AnalSex accounts for +95% of ALL HIV transmission (as well as the majority of
many, many other sexually transmitted infections)!
Today's lesson:
Merely being same-sex attracted - does not spread sexually
transmitted diseases.
does - far better than anything else by several magnitudes!
Based on the CDC & WHO advisories, -it does so at least +5000% more often
than the next statistical bullet; -And proven by numbers acquired by the Red
Cross which still has a ban on "gay" blood donations because: Men who
identify as "gay" are +4300% more likely to be harboring a serious sexually
transmitted disease than the overall "Non-Gay" population (Reason:
"Gay-men" are into
up to their collective asses)! Like the swastika, the word
"GAY" has been devastated; -- Not by men who love men, -butt by men who
participate in the same form of sexual contact that male rape takes; --
(NOT same-sex intimacy) has been forbidden
by almost every civilized society from the Jews to the Greeks! Were
religious bans simply due to religious prudes, or is there a serious fuck'n
peril - that thoughtful men of good conscience merely recognized for what it
-- the society to turn male/male love into an unparalleled art history
lesson - named
as of form of moral turpitude & OUTLAWED IT)!

The growing group, that
that anal-sex-play is "gAy", is perhaps better identified as the "Butt
Fuck Tyranny" ("BFT" in some circles). We also
refer to them as "ASS-CLOWNS" (ARSE-CLOWNZ). It's
not "gAy"
as much as it simply doesn't give a dAmn
about the recipient of this debasing form of pseudo-sex. Furthermore,
Ass-Clowns will stop at nothing to spread participation in this fetish to
the ends of the earth
The ad images shown are examples of mass e-mail marketing, - several e-mails
that a junk mail account set up specifically to monitor "gAy" e-mail
collects daily. Look & you'll see that every such e-mail
promotes a single theme:
= "GAY". Ass-Clowns will even expend energy combating the simple
truths this website shares with others!
The "ButtFuckTyranny" AKA:
"Ass-Clowns" will call us "oppressive" because we point out that
is indirectly killing people. Ass-Clowns will call us "homophobic",
despite the fact that we don't limit the message about the dangers of
to "gAy"
The Arse-Clowns
will try to obfuscate & minimize
(see insert to the right) the dangers of
-- despite the fact that the figures on the chart above won't budge for them.
talk about "condom education campaigns", but it becomes obvious that after
decades (yeah - fukk'n DECADES) into such campaigns that either the
campaigns do not work, or the fact that condoms
fail (& that people don't always use them), - accounts for the figures
on AIDS charted above! AIDS may be the ultimate bane of the typical
Ass-Clown, butt the fact is that
is a leading vector for virtually ALL sexually transmitted diseases & at
levels many times higher! This would be like using your swimming pool
to route sewage; -- Having regular swimming parties, & then becoming angry
at your guests for becoming critical or refusing to attend! Ass-Clowns
are not only immoral ... they are often willfully evil. The
mental spectre created in the public mind by images like the ones shown
above are the reason why g0ys do not adopt the "gAy" persona, label & do not
want to be
with that culture[.] Because of Arse-Clownz & the damage it has done
to the reputation of same-sex relationships, -many people do not know to
draw a distinction between "gay" =
- any more than the average person thinks to separate the swastika from
Hitler! As a result, g0ys have come to realize that the term "gay" - in the
mind of the vast majority of the public -
has come to mean "
PARTICIPANT". That stereotype may not be true for you, but if you wear the
uniform - people presume that you represent what the vast
majority of people who loudly wear the uniform assert. Therefore,
the term "gay", which originally, merely implied "same sex
attracted", -now carries with it a much broader set of implications.
G0YS believe that the term "GAY" is unredeemable at this juncture; -
Hence we reject it.
Seriously: Do the Fuck'n Math!
The Grim-Reaper says:
"Not all "Lifestyles'" are equally valid. There are some
completely PERILOUS ways for men to interact with other men!"
the repeated warnings about the perils of
on this website, I am occasionally confronted with the excuse of some
condescending ass-fucker who'll say something like: "Other forms of
sexual contact can spread STD's too...", -as some twisted reason why
people should disregard the extreme statistical differences between
certain actions. These fucktards are as intellectually dishonest as they
are morally bankrupt.
Apparently that figure about
being "+5000% more perilous" cited from the
CDC doesn't mean
much to a guy who's interests lie in
the thread-count of his 'good' sheets and powdering his 'mangina'.
He's probably too ignorant or callous to think about what numbers really
mean (but certainly not you, right?)!
For starts, you can listen to a very brief, but brutal summary of the
CDC's statement by clicking this chart:
The chart to the right models
STD infection rates
based on CDC statistics & presumes a virtually unlimited starting
population with (1) infected individual at Year/0. What should shock you
is the fact a
logarithmic scale is needed to compare the contagion graphs!
This is because the contagion rate of
grows so explosively that a logarithmic chart was the only way to
illustrate that growth without completely burying the other (2)
comparisons! So remember that each vertical block represents a 10x
increase over the last & so on (on the logarithmic chart)! Mouse
over for a linear version. This chart says all!
In the summary, the CDC states
that 0ral-sex can spread STIs like HIV at a rate of 1 in 10,000 acts
with an infected partner. Because it's a statistic already based on
probabilities, -we'll consider that number the average minimum number of
acts and let's also presume that a person is pansexual and will have
0ral-sex on average once per day with partners who are positive(+) with
some serious STI like HIV:
10,000 acts at 1-per-day is
10,000 days. 10,000 divided by 365 days per year is roughly:
27.5 YEARS.
Did you get that? 0ral-sex every day with different (+)partners and
you'll statistically get "something like HIV" once every 27.5 fucking
years. That's the figure for 0ral-sex.
who is as promiscuous as the examples cited deserves to have
their dick explode. The STD's measured in these examples are
those of "HIV nature regarding their virulence".
There are other life destroying STD's which are much
easier spread and the increase in peril applies to
all forms of sexual contact. Did you read that? Did it
sink in? The next plague that invades society may be easier
to spread than HIV.
Love, friendship, loyalty, safety & discretion: Those are
g0y ideals.
Don't be slut. Being one will catch up to you.
Govern yourselves accordingly. |
Now, let's look at the spectre
According to the same CDC
report, -the risk of getting "something" like HIV during
is 50 per 10,000 acts with an infected partner. 50x more perilous
than 0ral-Sex!
10,000 divided by 50 = 1 in 200
acts. There are 365-days in a year. At 1 act per day the perils
associated with
are 50x higher than 0ral - meaning that you'll statistically get
"something" once every 6.5 months
ass opposed to once every 27.5 years w. 0ral! Got your fucking attention
And if you don't see the
difference between catching "something serious like HIV" once every 27.5
years as opposed to catching something every 6.5 MONTHS (FUCKING
MONTHS!) then your IQ must certainly be lower than a parsnip!
And because so many guys are
dumber than a fucking parsnip - I'll highlight the differences, anyhow.
Amazing fact: If you
don't have a disease, you can't spread it! Unless - something that
doesn't cause a disease when in your ass (but causes urinary tract
infections if it gets into that place) is present and
is that chosen act. YUP!
The guy with a different dick
in his mouth every day will go (statistically), 27.5 years before he
catches "something" like HIV. This means that for 27.5 years he
can't give anyone an STI because he is clean himself.
The AssFucker, on the other
hand is disease free for only about 6.5 months. Depending on what he
catches, -he may not know about it for YEARS (such is the case with
HIV). Here's where a mathematic principle called "exponential
progression" occurs and makes the situation much worse for AssFuckers.
You see, while the AssFucker is infected (yet unaware of it) - he's
still doing the
with other men. THEY will catch/give something about every 6.5
months and in the space of 2 years, he will manage to infect 3 to 4 of
them with "something like HIV". They - like him - will not know
they are carriers for a long while which means that they, being
AssFuckers, will spread the contagion at the same rates. And those
guys will repeat the cycle. So, conservatively ... 1 infects 3 and
they infect (3x3)=9 and they infect (3x9)=27 and they infect (3x27)=54
and they infect (3x54)=162 and they infect (3x162)=486 and they infect
(3x486)=1,458 and they infect (3x1,458)=4,374 and they infect
(3x4,374)=13,122...39,366...118,098...354,292...1,062,882 - all in about
15 years ...1.5 million people! Look familiar? Remind you of any
historical epidemics? (Perhaps "something like AIDS")!
"Hey doc:
Do you have anything to stop this coff'n?"
The toll gets even worse for
AssFuckers! Think: Even if any one of the guys in this chain discovers
the fact he's infected, (& presuming that he can be "cured"); -He's only
going to stay disease-free for about 6.5 months until he catches the
next thing (And begins the fucking cycle all over again)! And the
guys who can't be "cured" because a cure doesn't exist ... statistically
they don't stop
until they get so ill that they can't! And once every 6.5
MONTHS they make another victim. This is the EXACT REASON WHY (TODAY)
that men who identify themselves as "GAY" are a whopping +4300% more
likely to be harboring a serious STI than the general public at
large! It's not their sexual orientation that's the cause. It's
because they're predominantly ass-fuckers! BTW: That statistic of
+4300% is from the American Red Cross.
Let's take a look back at the
guys into blowing guys: One catches something bad like HIV via oral,
statistically once every 27.5 years. Let's presume that it takes 2
years for the symptoms to show. What are the odds that he'll give
someone else the disease while he's a carrier: The odds are 1 in 10,000
acts. In 2 years, he'll do 730 guys. .0001x730=.073=7.3% chance
he'll give (1) other person the same "thing" before he knows there's a
problem. Let's dig deeper. Let's presume that whatever he
has is curable. How long does he go until he's infected again?
Statistically: 27.5 years. Well, because people age and don't go
like rabbits sexually forever, -let's look at what really is going to
happen with real-risk over time. Let's presume a guy was 15 years
old when he began his daily love affair with dicks. 15-years+27.5-years
makes him almost 43 years old when he gets his 1st HIV-like STD.
How many 43 year-olds are still doing a different dick a day? Risk
drops with age because behaviors change. Even if he was a sexual
Olympian, he'd be (42.5+27.5)=70-years old before he statistically gets
his next HIV-like STI from 0ral-Sex. How many 70 year-olds are doing a
different dick a day? Even if he was a sexual Olympian, he'd be
(70+27.5)=98-years old before he statistically gets his next HIV-like
STI from 0ral-Sex. How many 98 year-olds ...
Compare that with the guys
They'll be spreading STIs throughout their sexually-active adulthood at
a rate of 2-3 per year with years sometime passing before an infected
guy even knows he's been infecting others! Even if an AssFucker's
dick falls off him, he would have been a very measurable, active force
of disease-spreading over the same time that the guys doing OralSex
got/spread NOTHING! Ass-Fuckers destroy entire
civilizations with STDs. History has .. and still IS ... proving
this ASSertion true -even now.
But: What happens if the guy
into Oral ONLY does other guys who steer clear of
too? The numbers get vastly better because the starting statistic
was 1 in 10,000 acts with an INFECTED partner. When Oral steers
clear of ass-fuckers he avoids the great river of disease. Seriously! Do
the fucking math:
Oral-Sex - reduced to an annual
risk figure, 1 in 10,000 is a 3.6% annual risk that you'll get something
at one fellatio-session per day with an infected partner/s.
Avoid the partner/s who are likely to be infected (omit OralSex with
AssFuckers) and that infection rate further plummets!
- at an annual risk figure, 1 in 200 acts = 182% contagion (365 acts per
year) risk! You're a winner, - eh - I mean ... LOSER almost
2x-over every single year! Consistent, meticulous condom-use
reduces this risk to 1 in about 2500 (which is still 400% WORSE than the
guys doing unprotected 0ralSex with infected partners)! And
remember that condoms have a 14% failure rate.
is like playing Russian Roulette with all chambers full - butt one.
And these are a few of the
reasons (not all) why g0ys are so negative about
Men who love men don't take risks that spread diseases explosively and
hurt (or kill) other men. Sociopaths do that shit! Which brings us to
the next topic - below. |
by your words you will be justified; -& by your words you will be
- Rabbi Yeshua Ben Adam

Famous "GAY" Activist's
Confession of the 'Anally
Injected Death Sentence':
is an excerpt from a book written by a +70 YO, well known "gay
activist" - now DEAD / HIV+ This excerpt is included because
the old
fool articulates precisely what g0ys have been saying
about those who promote
: They're
complicit to: miseducation, menticide & ultimately - murder.
it occur to you that we brought this plague of AIDS upon ourselves? I
know I am getting into dangerous waters here but it is time. With the
cabal breathing even more murderously down our backs it is time. And
are still
You are still murdering each other. Please stop with all the
generalizations and avoidance excuses gays have used since the
beginning to ditch this responsibility for this fact. From the very
first moment we were told in 1981 that the suspected cause was a virus,
gay men have refused to accept our responsibility
for choosing not to listen, and, starting in 1984, when we
were told it
definitely was a virus,
this behavior turned murderous. Make whatever excuses you can to
carry on living in your state of denial but
this is the fact of the matter. I wish we could understand
and take some responsibility for the fact that
for some 30 years we have been murdering each other with great
facility and that down deep inside of us, we knew what we were
doing. Don't tell me you have never had
without thinking down deep that there was more involved in what you were
doing than just maintaining a hard-on. I have recently gone through my
diaries of the worst of the plague years. I saw day after day a notation
of another friend's death. I listed all the ones I'd
with. There were a couple hundred. Was it my sperm that killed them,
that did the trick? It is no longer possible for me to avoid this
question of myself. Have you ever wondered how many men you
killed? I know I
murdered some of them. I just know. You
know how you sometimes know
things? I know. Several hundred over a bunch of years, I have to have
murdered some of them, planting in him the original seed.
Larry Kramer
(inadvertently) makes it quite clear that the "GAY" community has
been (& continues to be) its own worst enemy by promoting &
performing the ass-fuck! It's called 'callous-disregard' & it's
literally a criminal mindset. This ASSociation is why G0YS
completely reject involvement with GLITQetc!
Kruks, a director of public policy and planning for the Los Angeles Gay
and Lesbian Community Services Center, is quoted on the subject: "boys
and straight girls who are having sex for money, shelter, love - they
are at risk. And the gay and lesbian community (and
I particularly fault gay men here) - has done nothing to try to help
our youth. Gay men view these boys as recreational toys to be used. I
have heard many stories of HIV-positive men having unprotected
with boys. They don’t think it matters."
It's because the "gay-male community" is awash
with sociopaths.
psychology, people are sometimes classified based on their willingness to accept
a suggestion. In the minds of susceptible people, a slogan repeated enough
times is taken as truth: "The earth is flat", etc. Lacking
either the willingness or faculty to question blanket statements about reality,
these people
live in a fantasy world made of gossip, myth & half truth; -- And they cannot
understand why the people around them succumb to the likes of HIV.
in some arrogance & a promiscuous mindset & these people have the same effect on
society as a plague-infected rat - that lives in the kitchen among the buffet
setup. Every now and then, an e-mail arrives from the likes of these to scold
G0YS on our posturing, & extol the so-called 'virtues' of the forms of sexual
fetishes we detest. Often, bold statements are made asserting how some
group in the distant past put the likes of
on a social pedestal. Indeed, there have been groups in history who built
monuments to such fetishes -- right before
their proclivities wiped them out (a premise being
in Africa at this very moment). See, 'soft' personalities can't
form the essential thoughts to question their preposterous asertions.
I.E: What happens to the society that lacks antibiotics, - that also engages
in activities that easily spread the likes of syphilis, gonorrhea & other
STD's? Ask any gay guy who's over 49 where most of his adolescent 'friends'
who came out as "gay" after Stonewall are now. Ask those still
alive why they didn't become HIV+ too (the answers will all have
1-thing in common: "ASS-CLOWNS" DROP LIKE FLIES FROM DISEASES that those who
DON'T GET.) Hmmmm.
"GAY" male community preaches the pro-
message: GAY guys play in SH!T and
GAYS are pushing the
stereotype. GAYS ARE PUSHING IT! Who? Gays are! Would it be the GAYS? Yes!
It is! And society has believed their message & occasionally speaks
out against it in no uncertain terms. Notice how the public protest in Latvia in
the following image has welded the spectre of
with the term "Homosexuality is immoral". But where do you suppose that these
Latvians got the notion that
Could it be the bulk of "gay media"?
The answer is obvious!
It's a prime example of people failing to isolate the various components
of an argument. G0YS rearticulate the argument by saying: "
ir amorala". And if Latvia (& the entire globe) would like to outlaw
- even classify it as a capital crime, - G0YS are completely OK with that -as
long as such laws are enforced equally on both genders.
Killing the messenger?
(It's a gay thing...)
gay empowerment movements emerged during the 1960s and 1970s in major cities in
the USA and Europe. These movements coincided with the heterosexual revolution
in most Western countries that were more accepting of greater sexual freedom.
However, the sexual revolution and gay empowerment movements also coincided with
the introduction of HIV into several gay populations during the 1970s. The
development of gay bathhouses where sex contact with many different partners
during a single visit was routine created a perfect setting for transmission of
sexually transmitted infections. Once HIV was introduced into such a venue,
explosive spread occurred. With increasing global mobility (jet travel) that
became increasingly available during the 1970s, HIV-infected MSM from major
cities such as SF, NY, and London rapidly spread HIV to MSM networks in most
other major cities throughout the world during the 1980s. By far, one of the
worst affected MSM populations has been and continues to be among MSM in San
Francisco. The picture of the SF Gay Men’s Chorus was taken in 1993 - those
dressed in black, with their backs turned, represent those who had died. Today,
all their backs would be turned because the obituary list is now 47 names longer
than the chorus roster. As of mid-2006, only four men are left from the original
1978 Chorus of about 200 members.
SF Chronicle file photo by Eric Muse

And these untimely deaths are the
mere tip of the gay-AnalCentric-porn iceberg...
Basis of Communication 101:
 If you want the
world to stop calling you berating names - then stop calling
yourself by the same names: "We're here; -We're
<What was that?>;
Get use to it!"
OK. We're used to it. You made your point. You're Queer.
Your words.
constantly hear from guys who claim to be "gay". They tell
us that not ALL "gAy"
men are into
We don't deny it. The problem is (pay close attention): That
the GAY community in general
that "
is the GAY-WAY". Just like the principle above: If
you want society to drop an offensive stereotype - then
you'd probably be well suited to reject it first. And "REJECTING
doesn't mean "TOLERATING IT". It means "REJECTING
Having spent
lots of time in the guys' locker room; - I'll confirm that
when guys are berating "FAGS"
... what they're really talking about are the social
stereotypes (psychological baggage) that the term "GAY"
offensive stigma the term
with the same form of assault that male rape takes:
And the overall picture that the term "GAY" promotes from
within it's own ranks - is viewed by the majority of
men to be a willful debasement of masculinity. And
is it sending these messages in the loudest possible
formats? It's the
community itself!
close attention: If you want the world to cease associating
your group with berating imagery; -then stop portraying
yourselves with that imagery.
And, of course,
the gay-male community won't speak out against
self-deprecating imagery because in the name of
"tolerance", the gay-community has created a safe-haven for
morally-soft people who promote their deviance as an
"evolving cultural standard of behavior". In legal
terminology - this is called "being complicit". It is the
bedfellow of cowardice & deserving of the shame it has
embraced. The folly is obvious - as that same "culture of
tolerating anything" has the highest levels of sexually
transmitted diseases of any demographic on the planet!
What other culture would tolerate a subculture within its
ranks called "Bug
The "STIGMA" of
"GAY" is well deserved because "GAY" embraces it's own
demise by "TOLERATING" virtually every decadent act that
"gay" people dream up. Anyone who dissents is labeled
"intolerant". If this was simply the opinion &
assertion of g0ys, it would be merely a prejudice. However,
anyone who has spent time moderating any of the g0ys group
forums know that we receive an astonishingly large amount of
"gay-centric" e-mails/messages that themselves push the very
decadent "
stereotypes" that have been mentioned here. We regularly
receive scathing messages from pro-gay supporters that flame
g0ys for our utter rejection of
& other acts that we see as dangerous, demeaning &
damn-unmasculine. These "pro-gay messengers" continue
to confirm that it is the gay-male community itself that is
responsible for pushing an agenda of disrespect, disease &
death. If that's what "gay" asserts that "gay is",
then so be it. That's them; --Not US!
have segregated ourselves by adopting the DISTINCT TERM
"G0Y" (spelled with a zer0) that is precisely defined from
its 0RIGIN, - & not subject to definition-decay as any slang
term [IE: "GAY"] (that comes to mean whatever time &
implication might want to eventually
lie (left) - a supposed depiction of men who luv men,&
the stigma it creates - is offensive to g0ys, & the
basis for the majority of society's prejudice against
M2M relationships. G0YS denounce such stereotypes
without apology! Whoever creates such advertising
does not love men; -- Quite the contrary.
Notice the text at the bottom of the ad that reads: "DECEPTION
IS THE KEY". Then notice
the text at the top that implies that this is
Notice the color images. This is what the Butt
fuck Tyranny promotes as "gAy". Society, in
general, believes it.
Zyclon B
It's their own Message! Their
 "Truth
in advertising" at the 'Pride Parade' in San Francisco.
It's their own Message!
Their Message!
"Here's a thought: If LITERALLY and ACCURATELY
describing what you advocate and condone sounds like an
INSULT, maybe it's because you're advocating and
condoning irrational, immoral crap. The proper solution
is not to bitch at the people pointing that out. The
proper solution is to STOP advocating and condoning
irrational, immoral crap." - Larken Rose
Why Be
It continues to ASSTONISH
me that some people seem the think that g0ys should be "nice" to people who
push, support & silently-tolerate this sort of vulgar abuse of humanity.
Damage, disease & death have always been the criteria for criminalizing an
activity. So, (ergo), -by it's very nature,
is a CRIMINAL act.
"Adults consenting" to engage in a criminal act are criminals!
The act of
has made it clear that the public always pays the price for "private
criminal behavior". That's why, when an
tears his arse out or gets an STD while "privately consenting", -that the
health & life insurance rates rise for the PUBLIC (looks like something
wasn't so 'private' after all).
When it's immoral: What starts out as private behind closed
doors, -becomes public knowledge on the hospital floors.
G0YS have made a quality decision not to coddle such vulgar, criminal
mindsets! G0YS don't do it! We don't tolerate it quietly! (Because if
you do tolerate such foolishness, -history teaches us that some people will
begin to believe it's OK & actually promote the practice! Hello? Sound like
any "group" you can think of?)
Not all gAys
True. But calling yourself "gAy" makes you guilty by association with the
culture that has framed itself with criminal practices & routinely
perverts public policy to allow what should be outlawed! If "gAys" need to
as "gAy-sex", then "gAy" is a movement with criminals as its spokesmen.
Supporting criminals is a crime called "aiding & abetting"! That's "gAy"!
G0Y isn't
G0Y is about men of good conscience who call
what it is & don't tolerate the amoral rhetoric from those who disguise
callous indifference as "tolerating diversity". WTF!

Thousands of years of
innate social conditioning in many cultures often welds the
impressions imposed with predominant traits -to an entire family.
Many people have been exposed to the concept of bringing pride or
shame upon "the family name". It is a well understood &
accepted principle -especially in Asian cultures. However, the
gay-male community seems oblivious to the principle. They don't
understand that "tolerating everyone" brings within their numbers
those who live in such ways as straining tolerance, - many unworthy
of it because of the results (say "results") of their actions &
philosophy's. And these individuals also call themselves
"gay". If my last name was "Hitler", -I'd change it.
Because, you see - some Nazi named "Adolph" disgraced the Hitler
name during the early 1900's. "Gays" don't seem to understand
this well established social principle, -& so they mindlessly
tolerate every destructive fetish that knocks on the "gay-door"
(simply because there is a gender-nonconformity perceived in it)! We
need no longer coddle such willful ignorance. We think; --Therefore
we reject "gay" as a self-identifier. We are the G0YS! |
They'll Never
"get it"
(Because they choose not to)
Malik states
in his paper:
Born Eunuchs:
said of the emperor Titus that "he was suspected of excess; and likewise of
lust because of his crowds of catamites
(kept boys) and eunuchs."
Apuleius, in
the picaresque novel The Golden Ass, tells of a band of "half-men"
[semiviri], who call each other "girls" [puellae] and have sex with young
men, both as active and as passive partners
(tops/bottoms). They
also act as cultic priests of the Mother Goddess, a traditional role
for eunuchs.
The next
piece of evidence is a bit more complex. It consists of some comments by
Clement of Alexandria about the followers of Basilides, a Christian
Gnostic (cult). Clement said they lived "lewder lives than the most
uncontrolled heathen."
It was that sort of behavior &
abuses against people that Rabbi Saul/Paul was highlighting when he
penned this - recorded in Romans chapter 1:
just as they did not think it was worthwhile to be having
[or, keeping]
God in [their]
true knowledge [or,
consciousness], God gave them over to a
reprobate [fig., debased]
mind to be doing the
not proper, -having been filled with all unrighteousness, sexual sin,
wickedness, covetous desire
[or, greed], malice; full of envy, murder,
bitter conflict, deceit [or,
treachery], maliciousness; gossips,
back-biters, God-haters, insolent persons, arrogant boasters, schemers
of evil [things],
disobedient to parents, foolish, untrustworthy, without natural
affection, unforgiving, unmerciful; -Who having
known the righteous judgment of God, that the fate of those who do these
things is death, not only are doing them, but they are also approving of
the ones practicing
[them]." -
Rom 1:28-32 (How's your insight
Now - most members of the AssFuck
Club will immediately raise an objection to the above quote
because it mentions God ("is religious"). They raise this
objection because they cannot raise a valid argument against the actual
substance of the passage as it: Describes accurately those who are a mob
unto themselves being without a conscience. And,
that is the condition of the
club: Sociopaths!
"And, according as they did not approve of having God
in knowledge".
Καὶ καθὼς οὐκ ἐδοκίμασαν
τὸν Θεὸν ἔχειν ἐν ἐπιγνώσει
And, because the first part
is a bull's-eye; - So is that which follows. Which, is why
g0ys.org is
an emotional appeal for those people to come to their senses. We consider
them a causality of their own indifference. G0YS.org is an appeal
to help stop those currently on the journey there - because of
their keeping of bad company. We're also an alternative viewpoint
to the "package deal" that is immediately often
ASSumed to be part of the
moral constitution of anyone who wears the "gay label".
In the general view of
society, - calling yourself "gay man" is like stepping in dog-shit.
There may be a shoe - between it & you, - but when the air settles down
-a smell lingers 'round. It's the stale odor of something rotten
(as described in the opening box quote).
Need evidence?
It's not the fact there's
same gender attraction. G0YS have no problem with that.
Neither does the Bible! +60% of the population experiences SGA.
The problem is the fact that the gay male culture has welded the icon of
into such close proximity with the term "gay" that we do not think it is
feasible to try to redeem the term.
Metaphysically: GAY is to
what SWASTIKA is to NAZI. We are fully aware that there are men who
currently identify as "gAy" - who reject
They're called "g0ys" these days. It's a word for far
classification. Because any "gay guy" who explains (over & over & over)
that he's not "into
- is like a man who whistles during a hurricane: Nobody hears & those in
the event don't take the time to listen. On the other hand, g0ys - by
our posturing against
& gender-fukk, generate an emotional response so fast among those
who hear the description - that the boundary sets like psychological
concrete. Lots of men who can't the stand the stench around the
term "gAy", readily gravitate to the term "g0y".
Need evidence?
And the growing "tolerance
movement" that accepts "everything gay & male"? That is described in the
last sentence of the quote that this box
opens with. ("gay" affirming churches - you too). G0YS aren't
against SGA. We're against acts that lead
to death/disease/demise (such as
It's not a matter of "a
little distaste". We think
comprises a legal-tort against humanity. It is immoral because it
spreads disease like the plague. We appeal to 3000+ years of
legal history on the matter. Them? You?
"If you've ever loved another guy - the last thing
you'd want to do is anything that would hurt him. This is the aspect of
the g0ys movement that makes it so common-sense. By denouncing
the g0ys movement rejects the single most perilous fetish ever know to
man & kicks to the curb a culture of disrespect & disease that is
responsible for +98% of the injuries & deaths that has plagued the "Gay
Male community" since Stonewall!
G0YS offer no additional apology! Willful ignorance deserves no
respect!" - G0YS.ORG