G0YS embrace is masculinity in it's purest forms.
Many G0YS might be GAY-identified,
or (usually)-amBIsexual men (who might wear those labels IF they
are not aware of the G0Y movement). Many G0YS are STRAIGHT
identified (involved in marriage or exclusive relationships with
women) also - but have these deep feelings for masculine affection
nonetheless (whether ever acted upon or not). Many of these men have
had 1 or more sexual encounters with other men (not anal) & lack the
language to describe those feelings & relationships. The term
"gay" simply encloses too large a group & offensive
associated stereotypes. G0YS place friendships at the top of their
proverbial "list". Some of those friendships deepen to a
level that is so intimate & personal that sexuality often becomes an
element; -- & strong, invisible cords of love, respect &
extreme-discretion cover what is an intensely personal thing. The
reputation of the flamboyance, promiscuity, filth & bizarre
cross-culture of the term "gay" - is seen as an affront to g0y
relationships. G0YS are not homo-phobic (as we readily admit that we are
men who love masculinity). Perhaps we're "PHREAK-O-PHOBIC".
We detest acts that degrade & disrespect masculinity; - & thereby
diminish the man. This is why we have adopted the term
"G0Y" as opposed to "GAY" - & we offer no
apology for our discretion in doing so. Also realizing that
"GAY" is a slang, nebulous term (not a precisely defined word);
-G0YS have chosen to form a separate group where "who we are" is
tightly defined with an unmistakable term. Even if some people consider
"G0YS" to be a subset of "GAY"; -We represent less
than 5% of the "Gay Male" community -- while encompassing a much
larger number of men who happen to have Same Gender Attractions (& may
or may not have attractions for the other). Using Kinsey's numbers
to clarify: Gay's represent K-6's while G0YS encompass K-[1-6] men within
behavioral constraints. Because G0YS technically represent a much
larger number of men than "gay"; -- it is actually inaccurate to
consider us a subset of gay-male culture. |
about the Connection
Out of the research I've done
on the Internet about everything "gay" - It's been my
observation & experience that being "g0y" is about the deep
connection between a couple of men. That connection begins as a
friendship that gradually deepens to the point where defenses come down
& inhibitions drop as a bond of powerful affection grows - often
beside an appreciation of each guy's masculine traits & physique.
And here's the astonishingly boring fact about what g0y relationships
look like: On the surface - people usually only see a strong
Often - how deep that friendship goes - is invisible. Like a
couple of trees growing side by side - you can't tell how deep the roots
go or how entangled they are. People run across g0ys all the time
and don't recognize it because g0ys aren't into advertising who they get
naked with. Remember this point: In the original vernacular, -the
terms "Best Friends" implied a connection not seen nor realized by
casual observations. As one g0y explained: "I gave a kidney to my
g0y-buddy. It was one of the easiest decisions I've ever made. I
would have rather died myself in the accident that injured him - rather
than to have lost a best-friend whom I loved from balls to brows. The
expenses, pain, hospitalization & recovery didn't compare at all when
contrasted to the relationship I was getting to keep in return."
Love is a complex, wonderful
language that expresses itself in many ways. Sharing property - such as
living space, money or vehicles with another person makes a powerful
statement. Sharing laughter, deep conversation & personal issues -
likewise is often a strong step toward intimacy. Between a couple of men,
reaching a point of trust where sharing touch, nakedness & mutual
climax is the ultimate bond of intimacy between a couple of buds.
In my experience, there is a
place in the heart of most men where they want affirmation from other
strong, masculine men that affirms them as men & does not threaten
their masculine core. Is this not exactly what sons want from their
fathers on a basic emotional level? Likewise, guys shun 'sissy-bois'
because sissies do not affirm a joint sense of masculinity. Aggressive
boys can fight (& can choose when not to). Other men affirm that
they recognize & respect this. But, that affirmation is one of outward roughness &
shunning of external perceptions of weakness - often culturally necessary.
And what is the emotional
reaction when one tough guy makes it clear that he values the other guy as
much - even more than himself? How does the man feel who realizes that his
friend will not raise a hand against him in conflict because his friend
values him more as a person than his right to 'exact vengeance'?
I think we're beginning to
uncover the difference in the feelings between the depths of masculinity
vs. the petty vindictiveness of effeminate thoughts, acts & lifestyles
of the cowardly. Being g0y is about the deep connection. Being g0y is
about loving the wholeness of the other guy so much that the barrier to
touch, closeness & emotional intimacy dissolve.
It is a deeply intimate &
private thing - never to be lauded or flaunted. Being g0y is a mindset
that says (often nonverbally) "Although I am a guy with an arsenal of
assault weaponry as close as my fists, -- I value you so much that I want
to make you feel good - & feel accepted by me - a peer." It says,
"As a guy, being naked makes me vulnerable - but I trust you to be so
with you.". It says, "As a guy, I know that being touched like
this has great meaning & feels very good when done in proper context
& with total respect; - & because I have such feelings toward you
- I enjoy touching you in this way because I accept you totally & want
to make you feel very good when near me." It says, "I accept you
without reservation - from your embrace - to your hardened penis that is
expressing your mutual feelings as it frantically disgorges the evidence
of your reciprocated appreciation - as mine answers in kind.". It
says, "Relax into my hug & into the afterglow's peace - with no
anxiety, or fear - because you are loved & accepted as the virile guy
you are; - And I affirm you because I am likewise, such a guy." It
says: "I will never show other's your weaknesses or do anything that
puts you in the light of compromise. I value the secret depths of our
friendship so much that only with mutual consent would I ever disclose
Because this is the heart of
being g0y - it is why the "gAy" community is virtually unaware
of our presence & society does not comprehend our number. G0Y is about
the "connection". It is about the sacred trust of love between
guys who show their soft-undersides to each other in a paradigm of
"being tough".
This is what men want &
why so many who are in this group have come here. This is the focus of
what so many guys write to me about. This is what is missing from the
visage of the "gAy male community" as it thrusts it's arse into
everyone's face.
We are the g0ys. The
distinction is self-evident & if you knew who was among our numbers
... you'd be astonished!
the term "GAY" was coined, --it originally meant "Same
Gender Attracted". G0YS have no problem with THAT simple
definition. However, -as time passed, the term "GAY" became
connected with cross-gender behaviors (which is why "intersexed"
& "transgender" ride in the gay-pride passenger seats) & perilous acts such as AnalSex.
In many places, the term "GAY-SEX" has come to equate
"ANAL-SEX". G0YS completely reject that notion and find the ASSociation repugnant to our masculinity.
Please keep those distinctions in mind whenever you read a G0Y
commentary critical of "The GAYS".
It is not the original
use of the term, --but what it has morphed into, -that g0ys find
reprehensible (&
"reprehensible" is perhaps, -too soft of a descriptor).
This website is where the g0ys movement sprang from! Mouse-over
the chart below.
Are G0YS Preoccupied with Sex?
On a website defining the term G0Y? YES. But to the degree SEX
is integral w. LOVE.
Some people deny that philosophy. There are terms for
people who deny such a notion: Hypocrites & Liars are 2
that come to mind.
G0YS also express the
notion that SEX should never be perilous nor injure the
participants physically or via diseases. Some people reject that
stance. There are terms for people who reject such a
notion: Criminals & Sociopaths are 2 that come to mind.
Love promotes no harm to others &
so acts as a sound mentor for ethical behavior. |
a G0Y
(& while we're talking about terms; - Do you even know where
the term "GAY"
came from?)
Origin from Biology:
In the field of cellular biology, there is a state in mitosis where
the cell is currently in between activity states. This condition is
called, "G0" (Gee-Zero). This seemed an apt mnemonic to apply to the
term "G0Y". Most men discover they are g0y shortly after puberty. In
most cultures, this is too early to immediately start a family - so
the time between puberty & when socially-typical pair-bonding occurs
is similar to the "G0" state in cellular mitosis. Stem-cells have an
observable "G0" state - after which they may become any number of
things. Because G0YS generally recognize that most men are
amBIsexual - what they may become in adulthood could be anywhere on
Kinsey's scale. Once again, the "G0" comparison from cellular
biology is on point.
It comes up in chat rooms and conversations more &
more: "That G0Y thing." Everybody wants
to comment with few seeming to actually read the website (which is
intellectually dishonest & fucking stupid)... so,
I've put this page up to TRY to explain (once again) what a g0y is:
![](images/carry0n.jpg) G0YS (Spelled with a ZER0) are
regular guys who happen to find men physically &
emotionally attractive (/too), but (for whatever reason) are offended with
the stigmas that currently define the 'gay community' in the
public psyche. G0YS
recognize that the prominent facets of the "gay-male" community tend
to embrace every gender-bending act, fetish & affectation; --And
include those things in the general specter of the image that "gay"
projects publicly. The easiest to observe example is the
commonly used acronym "GLITQetc." meaning Gay, Lesbian, Intersexed,
Transgendered, Queer (or Questioning). The fact that "GAY" is
grouped with "Intersexed & Transgendered" is evidence to
G0YS primary point showing what the term "GAY" has morphed
into. G0YS reject those associations completely & consider
it a form of discrimination against men who merely love men(/too).
And the fact g0ys say (/too) is also a hint that "G0YS" is NOT a
"sexual orientation"! A man can be anywhere on Kinsey's scale
(except 0) and identify his attitudes as "G0Y" in nature. In
fact, -most men are generally g0y - based on statistics & studies
done about male sexuality. This is actually a gigantic point
of fact that most people & publications fail to recognize.
G0YS is NOT a minority. G0YS represents the vast MAJORITY of men and
describes what men actually FEEL & actually DO; -- As opposed to
what most openly claim regarding an intimate context with other men. Again:
G0YS is NOT a sexual orientation. It is simply a term that describes
what most men feel towards others across Kinsey's 1-6 range while
eliminating any notion of gender-fuck (& especially shunning all
anal sex fetishes).
Anal-sex is innately shunned by g0ys - as it represents the ultimate
form of perilous (as in +5000% MORE
FUCKING DANGEROUS THEN FELLATIO) sexual disrespect whether male/male or male/female.
Other distasteful stereotypes include (but are not limited to):
Campy/Effeminate behavior, extreme passivity (as cowardice), & gender-fuck
(I.E: drag).
G0YS don't call other men "girl", "bitch",
"queen", etc. G0Ys embrace the strong androgenizing
effects of testosterone; -Bracketed in a philosophy of sound ethics
summarized in the expression that: "Love works no ill toward
others". G0YS have expressed feelings
this way:
"Hey brother. Just discovered
g0ys.org and I want to thank you for blowing the fucking lid off the
perverse faggot conspiracy to induce men to degrade and demean
themselves in another dude's asshole. There is nothing filthier than
a man putting his dick where a dude takes a shit." - FD
"Hey g0ys, new guy here. It's great to see that there is a space for
men who really love and admire masculinity in other men out of that
horrid Top-Bottom bullshit dichotomy imposed by the LGBT+ community,
never in my entire life have I ever dreamt of doing such a horrible
thing to someone I'd deeply love and care for.
I hope everyone's alright here, take care!" - JT
Kicking the Ass
of False Religion by using Scriptures, Science & Fundamental Law!
![](images/rrr.jpg) G0YS
also reject (due to well developed theology), the lax &
lazy prejudices that have arisen in conservative fundamentalist
religious circles against all same-gender sexuality. In Christian circles,
this travesty has arisen due to the extremely sloppy exegesis (&
outfight fraud) of a handful of verses of Scripture, w. a total failure to
rightfully divide the Word. This becomes quite apparent when
the theme of the New Testament is held up as a standard, & these
anti same-gender teachings are examined in light of that theme. Very
briefly, Romans chapter (1) is a scathing commentary
exposing temple
prostitution & Anal-sex (Women w. men, & men w. men;
-- N0T what is called 'homo-sex'). This is made very clear
by other writings of Saul/Paul himself, & a warning from Peter
about those who would misinterpret Paul's writings. Paul writes
that those who did these things received within themselves
the due penalty for their perverse behavior - & that penalty
was death. Likewise, G0YS point out that Anal-Sex is the
mechanism for the EXPLOSIVE SPREAD of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
over the globe - many deadly. The anus is not a
sexual organ (genital) & treating it as such violates Moses'
command "Not to bear false witness". Scripture
teaches that one of the very foundations of the faith involves
"repentance from acts that lead to death".
G0YS believe that changing the meaning of the Romans (1) from being
against anal-sex, to a focus on (& against) 'homo-sex', -simultaneously
adds & deletes from the canon of Scripture; & carries the
ultimate penalty for perverting the gospel.
perversion of the Scriptural texts has led to the phenomena called the
"Ex-Gay" ministry - which is an attempt by men to
"fix" peoples sexual orientation. Ex-gay
programs are a mockery of the gospel & an accusation
of the renewing power of God's Spirit. Paul called such
teachings "other gospels" & said that as far as
he was concerned, the leaders of such movements were eternally
condemned! Strong language! Caveat! See
Galatians (ALL; & examine 3:28 carefully)
'G0Y' -- spelled with a ZER0? What's up with
that? Because the g0y movement was created as a departure from
stereotype; -- A term was needed that had some meaning behind
it, while being simple enough for people to remember; -- plus
stir some curiosity. Because the movement also was designed to
eviscerate abusive religion (primarily fundamentalism in its
many forms), the term needed to have foundations in Scripture
as well (Because there are now "gAy affirming
churches", the term needed to confront sloppy theology
that supports "everything gAy" -- including AnalSex).
How was this all accomplished? Read on...
Ancient Hebrew, (the language the Torah & rest of the Old
Testament was written in), - is an amazing language. In its
original written form, it has no vowels. They are inferred. If
we were to adopt the same technique for English, the words:
g0y (In Hebrew, the term "goy" applies to a
non-Hebrew person -- foreign national)
... would all be spelled: G
& the reader would place the vowel upon speaking based on context.
Well, since English is NOT Hebrew, people might not "get
it". However, something else also came to light ... and
that was the fact that the Apostle Paul wrote that G0D chose
the "thing which is N0T" to "NULLIFY things
which are". He basically explained that G0D used the
power of a ZER0 to establish His new covenant by canceling out
the written code that stood in opposition to us. This worked
out well, because by inserting a '0' between the 'G_Y', - the
"A" in "GAY"
was essentially zeroed
(see ... N0 Anal) and the new term formed was 3 characters
& looks like it should be pronounced "goy" (a
Hebrew term that rhymes with "toy" & fits
context.) However, this new term is not really
designed to be spoken, but rather EXPLAINED. So you
see, this new term has some intellectual backing & some
rich history!
But for those who consider this facts of basic male sexuality
that have been well documented by researchers such as KINSEY; -
G0YS constitute most regular GUYS. And because a ZER0 is NOT the
letter "O", - the word "G0YS" could accurately be pronounced "G'YS"
(GUYS)! And the way to know if someone has looked into the
details of this website - is IF they know this! G0YS are GUYS;
-& if you don't like labels ... considering yourself a regular
GUY - gets you around the "label conundrum". In that way -
if you ever find yourself being probed by other people for a
"sexuality label" - all you need to say is: "Hey, I'm just a
GUY." -& people who understand basic male sexuality will
understand perfectly - while you'll avoid being slapped with the
label "Homo" in any of the bizarre contexts that people who do
NOT understand male sexuality apply it. G0YS are simply most
regular GUYS! Shhhhhhhhhhh. |
'GAY'. Get over it!"
Ms. Blah Blah
G0YS are constantly
being accused of being "gays in denial". After
all, G0YS are guys who love guys/too. And for some people,
-that's what they think the word "GAY" means. And
early on, -it sorta did. Although the vast majority of men
have no idea where the term "GAY" was
actually coined!
However, word meanings
change over time, and eventually, -society at large came to
have a different perception of a word once used in a different
context. And "GAY"? Well, it was a slang term
in the very beginning. Being slang, -the definition was soft
from the beginning. It still is; --And g0ys find the fluidity
of the term to be part of what makes it so offensive to
us. When you say "GAY", many people relate the
term to vastly different meanings - many implications being
offensive to g0ys.
Who says the "AssFuck Act" uniquely
identifies the
"gay camp"?
... Almost Everyone ...
Even One of the biggest global customized
item printers!
Twice - over a 3 year period, the
image above was submitted to the same gigantic printer for production on
custom clothing.
The submission was denied by the
printer - on the grounds that it was "DISCRIMINATORY".
Not "adult".
It is a design that clearly is against the act of
(as you can
see); --Yet is was deemed "discriminatory"
by the printer!
Well ... "WHO" was it allegedly "DISCRIMINATING"
I think it's obvious who the "WHO"
is - that the printer said the design was being "discriminatory"
And we found that decision
ASStonishing! Because, it reinforces what G0YS have been saying for over
a decade: "The term 'GAY' has come to be synonymous with 'AnalSex".
And in a bizarre coincidence - one of the largest mass-customization companies on
the planet happens to agree with 0ur ASSessment of the ArseFuck!
"GAY" = "AssFucker"
One of the biggest commercial custom-printers says so!
has been willingly ASSociated with.
And that STIGMA is the very ASSociation that
g0ys was formed to distance ourselves from!
G0YS exaggerating the "gAy" perspective. Are "gAy"
men that preoccupied with ? Let's ask G00GLE. Upon typing "gay sex
explained" into the search engine -the very top listing out of over
75-fuck'n-million subject matches is shown above. And keep in mind that
such a position in the listing is directly related to the number of clicks the
link gets relative to other links that are clicked more or less.
Since G0YS reject anything to do with the
"Top/Bottom" AnalSex paradigm, G0YS reject the very subject matter
that "gAys" esteem the highest! GAYS are MEN WHO FUCK ASS.
GOOGLE exposes that the GAYS themselves say so.
Why don't g0ys even try to "fit in" at all?
Well, it's about empathy. G0YS highly esteem empathy. Empathy is
about seeing from the perspective of another person and trying to model one's
behaviors so that the other person would be built-up in whatever dimension/s
that the interaction/s involve. Sexually speaking, --empathy is the
mindset that desires the other guy's experience to be a good one, too.
Empathy does not derive pleasure in putting others in pain, peril or in need
of pall-bearing.
Empathy is inherently incompatible with
AnalSex (The risk, pain, smell, humiliation & self-deprecation). You see, G0YS feel that AnalSex is the staple of PrisonSex
stories. G0YS believe that it is the very epitome of a mindset bent on abusing
another person. It is ALWAYS a violent act because it ALWAYS inflicts
on the recipient. Say "Always".
Butt, how do the "gAys" explain why some men
who love men do not engage in AnalSex (about 20% of men who openly-identify
as "GAY" claim to shun the Butt Nasty - and generally identify with g0ys
when they hear that such a group now exists). By clicking on that very
G00GLE-link shown (upper right) ... there was another that went to a page that
explained the reason -with this hypothesis:
According to Raymon J, "Anal penetration is one
of our closest physical connections. Many
prefer there be feelings associated with that level of closeness. So, some men
abstain from anal unless they have an emotional connection with their partner."!![](images/GayNotIntoAnalBS.gif)
Huh? G0YS say it's just the opposite! AnalSex is
the result of a LACK of emotional connection (lack of empathy); -- Because
it's ALWAYS an act of ASSault.
Judge for yourself: What form does "GAY PORN"
most often take? ANAL -nearly 100% of it. Is this because "GAY
PORN" is so emotionally compelling? Women - who also have arses,
-occasionally find themselves being asked to do the buttnasty. Do most
women feel that AnalSex is their "closest physical connection"?
Perhaps some do (which explains where most lawyers come from); --But I
strongly suspect the majority don't. Can you see the couple on their honeymoon
now? What does the bride say when the groom explains: "I love you so
much, -that I'm going to fukk you up the arse!"? Raymon J.
thinks it happens most of the time becuase the act is so "emotionally
connecting". MOST WOMEN WOULD DISAGREE. Butt Raymon probably thinks that it's the woman's
idea, too. Besides being Fukk'd in the arse, --Raymon J. seems Fukk'd in the
head! And every guy with a healthy sense of self-esteem knows
it. I think Raymon is a self-justifying, delusional arse-pounder;
-But hey: you say.
See, sex is about genitals, not arses. Men who
think the arse is a genital organ only demonstrate that they keep their head
up one.
Understanding masculine EMPATHY is where the Ramons of
the world are emotionally bankrupt (which is why they emulate shemales
by pushing penetration up their 'manginas'). Being a guy who
truly loves guys, I see arse-pounders as a group of pseudo-men that other men
(especially young, questioning, impressionable & naive men) need to be
shielded from both physically & socially. The reason we care is
because G0YS have genuine emotional empathy & concern for those men who
may be deceived & victimized by the gigantic lies told by the AssClowns
who spread over 95% of all the diseases in the M2M community. Yeah -
that's another little factoid that Raymon left out: His AnalSex'd Rump Ranger
buddies spread over 95% of the STD's within the so-called "gay"
community via AnalSex! And they want our kids to follow their deadly
lead by trying to soften the statistics. Butt, the fact that
"GAYS" are so preoccupied with AnalSex is why a man who claims the
title of "GAY" is at least +4300% more likely to have a
serious STD than the population at large! Yeah: OVER FOUR THOUSAND
FUKK'N PERCENT! Say: "GAY PLAGUE". Source of information:
American Red Cross.
to the FDA, men who have had sex with other men represent under 10 percent of
the U.S. population, yet accounted for at least 60 percent of all new HIV
infections in the U.S. in 2010. Hello!
G0YS have essentially rejected
the "A" in gAy. From observation &
personal experience, there are more g0ys, than gAys (read that statement a
few times) -- and many men who once thought
of themselves as 'gAy' (often in secret) are discovering the 'g0y' movement & flocking to it in
droves...because it's what they've been all along.
Read the
e-mail we get here & you'll see this is without debate. The fact
that many guys have their first sexual experience with another guy (almost always
--very rarely ever anal,)
is evidence to the fact that g0ys are all around us our entire lives (Because
if Jonny cuddled you till you came in junior-high, -- he's still able to
experience those same feelings today [pay no attention to the camouflage ...
eh, - the female, with him now]). It's just that social stigmas
against 'gAys' by coincidence, oppress 'g0ys' via those who may not yet be aware of the
distinction between men who are tender on men, vs. men who arse-fuck men.
Obtuse minds cannot see the distinction, but to those whom it applies, it's as
clear as empty space. If disease statistics are used as a measure of
morality, - then g0ys are among the most moral segment of the population,
while 'gAys' constitute the opposite. Therefore, the "A" in 'gAy'
also may mean: "Antagonistic" to life.
So, we have defined our own
term - one that many men can relate to without the confusion
allowed by slang & soft definitions. "G0Y"
is our word and we have precisely defined what "G0Y"
The extreme irony is
that many, many men who call themselves "GAY" will insist
that G0YS are NOT "GAY", anyhow. Why? G0YS absolutely reject
Anal-Sex. And "GAYS"; --Are ALL about
Anal-Sex. Seriously. It's not simply a stereotype. It
(Anal-Sex) has
become the
"DEFINING GAY ACT". Ask any search engine on the
Internet. Clicking the box
below/right will poll G00GLE in real time.
reject Anal-Sex! It's dirty, dangerous & damn
- disrespectful of masculinity.
And, most self-professed "GAY" men
insist that Anal Sex is the
So, G0YS
reject the very core of what GAY men say it is to be
When people say
"GAY" today, -AnalSex is what comes to mind as does
the showcase of "bizarre" gender-bending seen in
"GAY PRIDE" parades. "GAY" is a term
with lots of baggage - now welded to it. It doesn't
simply mean what it once did.
That assertion stands
in contrast with those who insist that simply loving your own
gender makes one "GAY".
what is the truth?
What is "Gay today"?
Let's ask G00GLE:
of 05/27/2014
With the search terms
shown, -this is a screenshot of the topmost search-engine page (image right)
- which means that G00GLE's search engine identified the content
of these pages to be what people wanted to see FIRST. The
search results will change slightly over time, but I suspect that the
content will remain generally the same (until society grows
some real balls). Click the chart to see where things are
Every link makes our
point about anal-sex being "gay-sex" and you'll notice the #2 link is a Wikipedia article on
SEX (but wait: I searched for "GAY SEX"
- not "ANAL-SEX").
Notice how society so easily interchanges the terms! And
G0YS, by our very nature, -find that implication morally
reprehensible. Why should G0YS be expected to be connected to
an act that we find detestable; --An act that happens to be
the very PRIMARY act ASSociated
with the term "GAY" & the vast majority of sexually
transmitted diseases!
I want to draw your
attention to the 3rd link - which is actually an OK article
about accepting your own same-gender attractions. It's not
about "sex" at all, but about attraction. However,
the author then goes on to explain how terms such as
"same sex attraction" are actually divisive terms
and that "gay" should be the standard. G0YS
disagree. See, the author doesn't question for a moment the CONTEXT of the term
"GAY" in light of the massive public perception of
the IMPLIED meaning/s - clearly shown in the example. And
it is this exact form of shortsightedness that g0ys
specifically point out regarding the loose-use of the term
One voice may say that
mere same-gender affection is what "GAY" is.
Meanwhile, the vast majority of MILLIONS imply that "GAY" actually
"Gender Bending & Anal Sex".
what can men do if they have same gender attractions and do
not relate whatsoever to the overwhelmingly loud spectre of
"GAY" stereotypes? What can men do - who
actually find such widely promoted "GAY" stereotypes
to be extremely personally & morally offensive?
are Important - Beyond Words
A Tale of Two
Pet Shops
In a town, very close to
you, there are (2) pet stores. The more flamboyant of
the (2) is owned by Percy & Perry Gay. They
sell reptiles. (2) of the reptiles are pictured above.
Each is a snake - that is red. And that is all the information
the store owners care to know about these snakes. They
have many -- all in the same cage labeled "Red Snakes -
make swell pets". One cage. Lots of snakes. Percy & Perry don't
discriminate. (Made that rhyme
Across the street is the
other pet store. It's owned by Mr. G0Y
(probably a foreigner) and his silent business
partner. Mr. G0Y DOES
discriminate regarding the very reptiles that the Gays
simply call "Red Snakes". Look carefully at the above
close-up of the (2) snakes. As it turns out, -the
snake with the yellow in it's tongue & blue in it's eyes is
a venomous species! The other is not. Do you suppose
that the venomous species makes a "swell pet" (Or is it
more likely to make your other pets, swell?)? So then: The fact that each is a "red snake" is not
the most important distinction, -is it? Being the case,
- Mr. G0Y has (2) containers,
-each with a slightly different name for the different
species; -And with a loud warning sign on the cage housing the
"Venomous-Reds". Oddly, to explain this distinction
to their weary customers, -the "Gays" accuse
Mr. G0Y of being
"discriminatory" and segregating snakes by eye &
tongue color. "How politically incorrect & back-woods
to be so petty!", - the Gays exclaim about Mr. G0Y!
The Gays accuse Mr. G0Y because
they do not want to change the way they do business nor admit
they may be marketing death to the unknowing. Of course,
-this vital lack of moral discrimination completely confounds
Mr. G0Y. He believes that the
Gays are completely self-centered,
narcissistic, petty sociopaths, -perhaps insane (I'll
let you be the judge).
So: Not all
snakes that are red are the same. The subtle differences are
the differences between life & death!
Likewise: Not all men who love men - are "GAY".
The subtle differences are the differences between life &
Discrimination can be a very positive thing when done for
important reasons. Details matter. Go G0Y!
ultimately: Being a g0y is about your sum-empathetic-attitude
towards men. If the guy is draped across you naked &
you need to know if you see him in the right light (as a g0y); -
then here's your g0ydom test: Imagine that the future-phone rings
and it's the hospital telling you that the guy (that you're in bed
with in the now) has been in an accident and can't drive himself home. If you're
willing to go out of your way & burn a few hours (maybe days) to
help the guy you're currently wrapped around, - then
yeah: Odds are that your attitude meets g0y ethics.
If you can't say "Yes" to
that scenario - then you probably don't deserve the naked intimacy of the guy
you're with (and you've either overstepped where you should be in
the relationship; - Or, you're simply a self-centered douchebag in
general). Simple, eh?
It's sad -
the large number of "GAY" men who can't say "yes" in good-faith to
that scenario. That's because the "GAY-scene" at-large, isn't
about love; - But about selfishly using people. Anyone who has
seen the "scene" knows this is true. Assholes abound. |